While flawed, Citizen Sleeper gives one of the more immersive and grounded Cyberpunk experiences I've come across.

As you can imagine, a game with a very central narrative that is inspired by TTRPGs and cRPGs is rather light on gameplay mechanics. You have timed cycles, instead of days (as you are in space), and numbered die that represent the actions you can make. It is pretty straight-forward and does a good job of being engaging while not suffocating the world, characters or story.

You embody a imperfect copy of person residing in a dying, artificial body. You are a Sleeper. With little memory of the past and no real direction, you must push forward into the unknown of a dilapidated space station, hoping for a better tomorrow.

And that's the real beauty of this game. While it can be very bleak at times, the overarching message is surprisingly optimistic. Regardless of your past, you still have a future to look towards.

The stories that unfold on the Eye won't leave me anytime soon.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
