Log Status






Time Played

5h 6m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 14, 2024

First played

January 9, 2024

Platforms Played


Every once in a while a new portal mod sees the light of day. A mod that not only provides new test chambers, but also continues the lore and the world around the Aperture Science Enrichment Center in a logical and interesting way. And Revolution is exactly that. The bottom line is that it's more Portal. Weighted Companion Cubes, Gels, Lasers etc. But the team at Second Face Software has even added new features such as temporarily switching off the power to deactivate disintegration grids, gel cleansing fields and more. And just like in the original game, they manage to change and vary the components and puzzles every time a chamber type feels worn out. This creates a balanced pacing which is freshened up by paths away from the test chambers. The ASEC is fantastically designed from crumbling areas to the depths of the salt mine. The characters could also be straight out of an official Valve game with their charm and dorkiness. Kudos go above all to the voice acting, which is sensational for a mod. The puzzles have this great challenging sweet spot where you have to briefly realise the situation and which components you have to play with, but the game never gets really difficult. It takes about five hours to get through in a weekend. And I can only recommend it to all Portal fans.