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Time Played

0h 56m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 17, 2023

First played

August 16, 2023

Platforms Played


Hyperstone Heist is the second time Konami has brought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle arcade machine to a home console, this time the Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive if you grew up in Europe). At first glance, it also feels like an identical game. However, the gameplay differs a bit and level-wise it's very different from its SNES brother. In this version, the time travel gimmick is completely missing, which results in the levels not being as varied. Instead, you fight your way through the alleys of New York, across the sea and into a cave to the hideout of our arch-enemies. Unfortunately, the diversity and richness of detail of the levels fall flat due to the always grey caves and sewers. The very first level and the last one look like a rehash, if not identical. The enemies in Hyperstone Heist are much more aggressive, for example, especially in the last half of the game, Foot Soldiers jump into the picture again and again with their feet outstretched or Rock Soldiers rush in so that you hardly have a chance to dodge or counterattack. The roster of opponents is basically identical between the games. Some bosses also feel identical, while others are completely new. In any case, you also feel more aggression here when they suddenly charge or lash out without warning after a few of our attacks. Nevertheless, they are still manageable and well-designed, even if the charm seen in Turtles in Time is somewhat lacking. As far as the gameplay goes, the controls and movement feel a bit more snappy. Here, too, we dash swiftly through the stages, kicking and punching everything that hasn't fled out of the screen on the count of three. In this version, running is even on a dedicated button, which makes everything feel more controlled. Instead, the fantastic feature of throwing Fool Soldier into the camera is missing. The game is basically just as much fun as the SNES game but doesn't feel as good because of the simpler level designs. Those who want more Turtles action are welcome to pick it up. But in general, it's enough to play Turtles in Time.