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I finally got to play The Last Of Us Part 2, about 17 months late. And without any spoilers ruining the game beforehand. I really love the first part, which was one of the best games on the PS3 and in general from 2013. So logically I was really scared when the first reviews came in. So many people (except the press) seemed to hate the game. A game by Naughty Dog?! In my opinion one of the last good game developers. And now I've played through it and several times during it I thought "Oh dear, is this the part that the gaming community hates so much? Will Ellie die too? Do you kill her as Abby?" And then the game was over. And I was left a broken man. And I still don't understand where the hate comes from. The only thing I have a bit of a gripe about is the sometimes annoying companion AI. A couple of times, especially Lev, stood in my way or ran to a ledge from where I wanted to catch the next enemy. Also, the boss fights against the rat king and against Ellie are wonderfully staged but poorly implemented, either through poor level design plus darkness or spongy recognition of inputs. Otherwise, regardless of whether you like this type of action game or not, you cannot deny that The Last Of Us Part 2 is a masterpiece, especially visually, story-wise and in terms of the emotions it evokes. The graphics are fantastic, the characters with their facial expressions are really incredibly realistic and sold me every emotion as real. Every set, especially all the locations like museums, flooded streets, abandoned shops etc. look as if people still lived here decades ago. The story has many twists and turns, believable character progression and turned my stomach more than once. This game is special. Anyone who hates the game because of Joel's death hasn't quite understood. That's exactly what the game wants, to continue playing as Ellie and to understand her. Joel's death has changed Ellie. Anyone who has a problem with Abby has probably slept through her backstory. Naughty Dog manages to build up sympathy for the seemingly antagonistic characters after the initial hatred, something no other game has managed so far. Anyone who has a problem with Ellie and Dina. Guys, I don't know what's wrong with you. Homosexuality is not a fundamental part of the story and not important to it. Anyone who hates the game because of this should fundamentally rethink their world view. I'm happy to discuss with anyone who didn't like the game, because everyone is free to make that judgement. But anyone who mentions these points is simply lost. This is a game that every video gamer (as long as there is no problem with scary passages or action games per se) should have played.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2021
