I finished the first game last month and while I was highly disappointed by it the second game, The Hand of Fate, is a step up. There is still a lot of moon logic and even puzzles where you need information from the beginning. So if you don't have an old savegame or a walkthrough at hands then good look solving this. Also there are some pretty bad translation errors in the german version I played that really broke 2 or 3 other puzzles for me. So all in all you can say puzzle-wise it aged pretty poorly. What really stands out this time though is the world and the great humour. Gone are the times with endless forrests and caves like in the predecessor. Here comes a varied, rich, beautiful fantasy world full of crazy characters that reminded me of one of my favourites Point & Click Adventures, Simon The Sorcerer. The story is an accessory but alone for the world this might be worth trying out even 19 years later. But keep in mind that it's definitely not going to be an easy road.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
