Do you know that meme in which Christopher Nolan says: Hans, it is just a movie about dreams. We don't need anything special. And Hans Zimmer is sitting at this burning piano. Well, this is Titanfall 2 for me. It is like: Yo guys, we want to make a sequel to 2014s Titanfall and this time we are thinking about including a single-player experience. Remember it is just a game about a soldier and his mech. Do some shootie stuff. And then Respawn Entertainment hit us with this masterpiece. It is short, sure. I finished it in 4:42 hours. So definitely wait for a sale when buying it (at least if you are here for single-player action). But the game is stuffed with great action scenes, dynamic gameplay and especially 3-4 change of gameplay ideas that really baffled my mind. The setpieces are also very varied and I was always wondering where the game would lead me next. And not once was I disappointed. The shooting gameplay at foot is pretty standard with your sci-fi looking but pretty normal weapons. Traversing the hindrances is even cooler. And when you're in your Titan, you get pretty cool stand-offs with enemies mechs. This is when the game wants you to show what you learned. The relationship between you and BT is great and they even managed to make it emotional. The story is barely okay but, as with a Call Of Duty, the experience is the main focus. This is truly a hidden gem.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2022
