Metro: Last Light is a fantastic sequel created by 4A Games that plays smoother, looks significantly better, and largely moves away from emulating F.E.A.R.. The gameplay once again revolves around stealth or all-out shooting in visually stunning setpieces. Ruins beneath churches, settlements in the titular Metro, partially flooded, and destroyed streets full of once-populated shops and parks, create an oppressive player experience. Realism is palpable at every turn, immersing players in the game world. Weapons once again serve as currency through their ammunition, encouraging a stealthy approach for the most part. The story is actually quite cool, involving the search for a Dark One and collaborating with a new friend named Pavel. However, it still feels like Artyom is stumbling from one location to another, lacking a clear path and objective. Additionally, the portrayal of women in certain instances is questionable. While it may be plausible for some women to offer pleasure in a post-apocalyptic world, the behaviour of Artyom's occasional companion, Anna, feels illogical and sudden. Also, one twist where you experience some background of characters isn't really a great twist when you pay attention. Nevertheless, these flaws don't detract from the overall gameplay experience and atmosphere. The gunplay remains standard and non-special, just as in the predecessor. Like in Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light excels in creating a world that feels larger and more inherent beyond the game's boundaries. In terms of world-building, this game ranks among the very best. It immerses players in a captivating atmosphere that captivates from start to finish.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2023
