6 Reviews liked by pandesaul

we need a dating sim with all these hot gods

It feels like an understatement to say that Billy Basso injected new life into a genre that we've seen constantly from the indie scene. From the unique tools picked up along the way, to it's engaging atmosphere and surreal visuals. Animal Well is an absolutely incredible accomplishment and I hope Billy is proud of the outcome after so many years of work.

There is so much to explore and see. So much to uncover from actual gameplay mechanics to weird oddities. I don't feel comfortable saying much more as I don't want to give anything away.

Animal Well is a great achievement and provides two things to be excited about moving forward. What will Bigmode publish next? And what will Billy create next? I can't wait to see the answer to both of those questions.

do i even have to say anything its just so good

Nearly flawless experience, one of the most traditional feeling fangames I've ever played mixed with plenty of its unique ideas. The music is so unbelievably good that it's not shocking the creator of the music Emdash has been hired to do tons more work. The only issue I have with the entire game is the Final Fight being kind of absurd but thats a small hiccup. I nuzlocked the entire game through my first try and it was so fun.

i love the combat, the animations are amazing, this game is aweasome. i love it