Outlaws 1997

Log Status






Time Played

4h 5m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 31, 2024

First played

March 30, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Far less great than I thought. A simple recollection of set pieces from a handful of western films someone really likes with a bunch of cutscenes in between to make it look like there’s something going on. I mean, someone definitely tried, but it has the conception of a theme park ride. You got: the shootout in a town (with a saloon shootout and a bank robbery for some reason), shootout in a mine, shootout in a fortress and a shootout in a big mansion. All of these levels stitched together with cutscenes that tell a really generic western revenge story. The kind of story you’d make up in your head when you were 11 after seeing a Clint Eastwood flick that you thought would go hard but due to how barebones of a plot it is, falls flat and is ultimately forgettable and uninteresting.

Other than that it’s a pretty average game, but not much to write home about. The normal difficulty - which I figured out is the one called “bad”, since this game had the great idea to call easy, normal and hard: “good”, “bad” and “ugly” (hah! did you get it? it’s a reference to that movie!) - is specially infuriating since enemies can kill you in literally three or four shots while health packs don’t give back a lot of health, and enemies look all the same while having different behaviours from one another: some have single revolvers, others have dual revolvers, others have shotguns, rifles, etc. etc. all the while looking exactly the same. And the shotgun guys can blast you so hard you go flying backwards. You can call Doom stupid, in that unlike Outlaws it had no plot, no story, no nothing, but it knew how to make enemies distinct enough so you’d know what every enemy does just by hearing their sounds or looking at them. Here, all the enemies look the same, make the same sounds (WHEREAREYOUMARSHALL???) and other than the gun they’re using, they’re basically indistinguishable.

To all this add a convoluted, confusing and maze-like level design with all the inheritance from Doom that don’t seem to fit in the world they’re trying to make (seriously, keys? buttons? switches? levers? I don’t imagine a cowboy running around a mine in search for random switch #9 that activates/opens a random door at the other end of the mine you already forgot about) and you got the recipe for a game that is a failure at everything it tries. A design that not only doesn’t innovate, but isn’t well thought out for the kind of experience they were going for while failing on stuff previously released FPSs already got right.