Log Status






Time Played

1h 51m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 28, 2023

Platforms Played


It's a good game but I didn't expected it to go this hard. Thank god I used save states, because without them I wouldn't make it past the second world and I don't know how did they put eight of them in total. While its gameplay and level design are phenomenal (most of the time, worsened towards the final worlds but not to a point it becomes trash), it feels waay too stretched out for a game that doesn't have a save game option and relies on trial and error, especially in the castles. And don't tell me it's due to technical limitations, Star Tropics had a saving system!

I think most people didn't make it to the ending, not because it's a bad/mediocre game but because how hard it is, I lasted almost two hours, and that was "cheating", I wonder how normal people (people who don't do speedruns/compete/play professionally) would beat the game in one sitting.