Let me get the bad stuff out of the way. The story in this is the weakest aspect and never fully gripped me despite the admittedly interesting lore tablets/scrolls making it better. There are some glitches that feel a little out of place in a high budget game but nothing that is game breaking or enough to really annoy me. Some of the amulet buffs are a little uninteresting and don't really have the same charm (lol) as the charm system in Hollow Knight which its clearly inspired by. But that's really all I got for negatives.

The good stuff makes up for literally every single shortcoming in my opinion. Fast fluid movement, A simple but deep combat system that allows for some insanely creative combos that I don't think Ill ever be able to take full advantage of and a very beautifully designed world that's always fun to explore and get lost in. The platforming puzzles are top notch and never felt unfair. The abilities you unlock throughout the game fundamentally change the way you move and fight and I was always looking forward to seeing what I'd unlock next. The bosses are pretty great despite some sort of awkward over the top animations mid fight. The music in general is a treat and always elevates the mood, especially in boss fights.

Overall I seriously enjoyed my time with this game and highly reccomend it to anyone interested in a well polished Metroid-Vania because this is one of the best. I still prefer my little bug boy but this does a LOT that hollow knight doesn't and I hope Silksong copies some of it. Love it

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024


4 months ago

i fw this game heavy

4 months ago

Good review, Funny enough it's the only 2d Metroidvania that grabbed me and made me finish it, and it certainly easily top 15 games of all time.