This was one of the few major Sonic games I never played before so I decided to finally give it a try. The game starts out great, the opening stage playing as Sonic is very fun and was a great evolution of the 3D Sonic gameplay at the time. Then the werehog hits... and it wasn't that bad honestly. It was a light/worse version of God of War but it was pretty inoffensive. So I was feeling this game as I was plowing through stages.

Then I hit a road block and realized I would have to go back and find Sun and Moon medallions... okay okay I can make. Using some YouTube videos I was able to get through these roadblocks without too much issue. Continuing on the game was still fun, but the Sonic levels were getting a bit more frustrating with the camera and controls, with the levels punishing you for going fast?, and the werehog levels were getting longer and more drawn out. Nothing horrible but not as good as before.

Then the final section is just horrendous. Excruciating platforming with the wonky controls, an even more reliance on lightning fast QTEs with extreme punishments for messing up, and some long painful fights as the werehog where I encountered multiple glitches. I was just happy for this game to finally end at that point, which was sad given a lot of the rest of the game did at least have some charming fun to it.

Reviewed on May 16, 2023
