A Donkey Kong Country style game that may not be the most original, but still has a lot of creativity and polish. The animation is beautiful and the character designs have a lot of personality, I love how Kaze the rabbit spins her ears to hover and uses them to climb or swing. One of the mechanics in the game is she finds four different masks depending on the level that transform her into a shark, tiger, dragon, or eagle each with their own gameplay style and wonderful animations. These shake up the gameplay enough where each level feels pretty fresh, ranging from flying stages, underwater, auto run, chase levels, climbing, and many more. The worlds are also varied and stray away from the usual platformer world palettes which was a nice touch.

The game also has a perfect balance of secrets in each level, getting 4 letters like DKC spelling KAZE gets you one gem, then getting 100 little diamonds (think coins) is another, then the third and final is finding 2 secret challenge stages (which are fun in their own right). It has just enough to keep you looking around the stages as you go but not so much that it is overwhelming, I naturally got about 70% of the gems so I will be going back eventually to get the rest. The game has a bit of a challenge to it, not so hard I was ever frustrated but hard enough that I had to try some things quite a few times to nail the timing. Luckily it always felt doable and never unfair. Last shout out is the bosses were very well done, they were each unique but didn't fall into the trap a lot of platformers do where they feel the need to introduce weird mechanics for fights. They were all pure platforming skill and I loved them for it (especially the final fight, really great stuff).

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
