Things i liked: making my character. I actually found it quite fun to make a sonic oc! Maybe bc i'm a furry so i could just make a sonic version of my sona, but yeah i think its a fun thing that should come back.
Things i didn't like:
the gameplay- dear god sega is it really hard to come up with fun gameplay that isnt "run in a straight line and hit a button"
i could only tolerate this game bc i was in a sonic phase and enjoyed consuming sonic content.
the story- if sonic wants to be darker and edgier that's fine but the tone needs to stay consistent. Sonic games have gone darker in tone in the past but they don't try to wisecrack and make dumb jokes the whole time. also the main villain is like stupid and his reason for villiany is almost comical. also why did they bring back old villains it adds nothing to the story. this is not a crossover or a celebration of the series put chaos back in his box.
this game is a chore and a half and i love you sega but dear lord give me a break.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
