fight for the future.
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This game is a bloated, confused, mess. The junction system breaks the game and eliminates any challenge. It's unintuitive and frustrating. Battles are trivialized by the limit break system. I have no idea why they changed it from its function in FFVII, considering it was really fun and useful. Now its just get low health and hit the button until you can use it, or use aura and hit the button until you can use it.
This game looks very nice. Personally I wish the anime style used in FFVII got more time to shine, this game looks very nice. The architecture is quite ornate and beautiful and always a treat to see. The character designs are okay. I don't have strong feelings about them except for Selphie's gravity-defying hair.
The story is okay but Squall's stupid romance is so poorly done I hate it. Rinoa is like "I like you Squall" and hes like "I dont like ANYONE bc im SAD" and then Rinoa dies for a second and Squall is like "I actually did love you" and then Rinoa un-dies and then theyre like "I want to be with you" and yeah. Like what. Waste of time.
Sorceres Edea is mother and I will forever love this game for giving us furry dilf Ifrit.

Sephiroth be like "i have my whole life ahead of me" lmao no you don't the cloud is coming