the best soulslike that isn't from fromsoftware, but i still have some complaints:
1. the parry window is WAYYYYYYY too narrow for anyone with a sane mind

2. enemies either bait you for way too long on the parry, or they simply never stop attacking

3. (and this is the big one) in the late game every enemy has multiple hits in the same attack (not combo, attack) making it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to parry all of them. this becomes an issue especially with luxasia and nameless puppet where the game already expects basically perfection with the player.

overall in the late-game i became very frustrated to see this happening because i was running a full-on technique build with a weapon not that good on damage but really fast, and it became bluntly apparent that those bosses were not designed for my build in mind.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
