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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 29, 2022

Platforms Played


Mercifully short campaign, which I appreciated since I felt like I was just being guided through the various multiplayer maps with story objective rails. The game looks gorgeous, and the audiovisual component in general is very vibrant, energetic, and Star Wars-y. Unfortunately, the story isn't even up to par with a normal video game. I suppose this is partially to be expected from a game where the multiplayer is the obvious focus, but if I recall, not having a campaign was one of the many reasons for the backlash to the first EA Battlefront. This one has a good concept--a sith trooper turning to the rebel side--and does very little with it. This transition happens quickly and without deep character consideration. The gameplay in general is adequate. It rarely if ever crashed on me, nor did I encounter any obvious bugs. It just doesn't feel very fun, that's the short and long of it. The animations from firing the gun and the sounds/look of the explosions are good, but walking around, shooting, and hitting people feels about as satisfying as something like Fortnite I would guess. But at least Fortnite has other things to do. This is a non-cover-based shooter without a genuine feel of impact and aggressively uncreative level design. You go to place and look for stormtroopers. They come at you and you shoot. There's nothing more to it, no complex way in which you can style your experience. It's just shoot and kill, the end.