Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 2, 2023

First played

September 29, 2023

Platforms Played


My first Fire Emblem! I'm an avid Shadow Dragon fan, as you can tell from the score, and in my local Fire Emblem aficionados community I'm known as the "Akaneia guy". What gives?

Put simply, the ease of play and replayability give this game a lot of mileage. There's a lot of characters, lots of maps and lots of difficulty settings to talk about and personally I just really like Marth's role in this game, where he is a strong character in his own, suffering because of loss but still having to be the role model for everyone else. It's a weirdly personal tale, something I really like (something the sequel will ruin but that's another story). I wholeheartedly recommend this game even just for how easy to play and fast it is, compared to other slower games in the same franchise.