being blown away by 2033 didn't do the sequel any favors in my eyes, but its still a great game.

while the first one deal with the themes of ''the journey of the hero'', it's main plot had more of looking into the bigger picture of things, embracing the way of nature instead of fighting it because nature is not fighting you, its understanding you.
the sequel takes the opposite approach delving into the internal conflict of the people in this world (which was never my interest in the first game) and while i do appreciate its approach in explaining the structure of politics this world adopts, i couldn't help it was a step back, again the whole ''looking through the bigger picture'' part of the first game made me feel like arthyon was dealing with a pseudo sub-plot during it all, its just not the same weight, but then the redemption plot began showing up and suddenly i'm much more invested, ashamed even (even tho i did the good ending, blame arthyon not me) as if wishing for nature to heal. so plot not as good as the first game, but it has its ups, but i still believe the whole ''main villain'' thing felt disjointed by the expectations the first game sets, suddenly i'm no longer avoiding minor conflicts within this world to dive into benificent horrors beyond my comprehension, but rather going headfirst to deal with these conflicts while occasionally being reminded of the old world you once met, like tarzan leaving the jungle to learn how to do his taxes.

on gameplay tho, its pretty much the same, they try balancing the weaponry so you have what the devs allow you to have available when the first game went balls to the wall and let you go crazy with all the weaponry, felt lame but not to the point of making the experience bad.
the first game had a better balance in its moral system, you could kill everyone in combat sessions, but if you did all the good deeds you'd still get the good ending, here if you go weapon nut but still do the good deed, the game goes ''NUH UH'' and locks you into the bad ending, is the moral here ''don't fight your enemies even if they are shooting at you'' ? come on..
overall last light is a solid 8 while 2033 is almost a 10
i should take a extra point away tho, the shrimp enemy almost makes this game an 7, if not for that, i'd say the extra dragging is the final nail in the coffin for it

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
