what if sam lake made a scp fan game, and then made it part of his entire shared universe, i hekkin love that guy

buttery smooth controls, a metroidvania that is both trippy and cheeky at the same time, this game is enormous, not in the sense that the map is big but the oldest house really feels like a lived in place, you get to make it your own castle as you do side quest and unlock stuff, some stuff are slowly made more sense while others are left to interpretation.
the quirks of the characters are what sell how odd yet lovely this whole place is, from godlike janitors having a fight with a poop demon, to a underground lady dealing with another world threatening issue totally unrelated to your main mission, it really does feels like a SCP inspired game in the goofiest part of the fandom.
i love that its a metroidvania too, so you have access to the entire map.
jesse controls amazingly, she's smooth and quick to snap to your input, after playing through red dead redemption i needed a responsive game like that, sheesh.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
