funny spider game :] i'm not big into 2d platformers but the whole physics and swinging and all got me. fun soundtrack, really good looking game. a lot harder on a controller, but still very much playable!

always felt like those funny genetic algorithms could be turned into a really funny video game, so i'm extremely glad wobbledogs exists. great visuals, great doggies, great soundtrack

for me it got a bit tiring kinda fast, mainly because i'm bad at managing stuff and i get pretty anxious usually (<- can't play the sims) but playing with someone else helps a lot in that aspect

really good cat simulator, not so good 3d platformer :[ i never felt secure climbing stuff bc i knew something would glitch and i'd fall or something, so my completionist ass was sad about this one. it is however really fun to just mess around and poke stuff and talk to other animals. the cutscenes are so so good as well

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yay trans dinosaurs :] it's a lot different than i expected, though i really didn't know what to expect. this game went through a lot in development and it shows. and yet they still managed to pull off a really interesting visual novel with rhythm elements! scratched the same itch as night in the woods

story-wise... damn it deals really well with everything. every single character is well written. my only grip is that everyone was way too harsh on fang when everyone else was also doing similar shit AKJFHA but yeah i care so much about these dinosaurs. fucking hate that we all know how the story ends. because y'know they're dinosaurs.

i think i wish there were more rhythm elements. gameplay-wise there was a huge gap in rhythm stuff halfway through until the end. story-wise it made complete sense though! but still.

the way harmonix knew exactly what they were doing is so amazing to me. the whole aesthetic is so camp while also feeling genuine. this is something you see less and less in this series as it goes

the covers are... funny. GJSDHF they're not as bad as i remembered though! wavegroup knew their shit. in general the setlist for this game is far from my type of music but the whole thing is roleplaying as a generic rock guitar player and it works just really well

such a memorable rhythm game and soundtrack and everything. you know where the story is going which isn't really an issue, it tells what it has to tell and that's good enough. the visuals are great!! overall it makes me wish there was more gitaroo man, but it's also a great little game by itself that i'm glad it exists

i love u orbo!!!! this is such a fun little game, shooting myself around has never been more fun. would love to see a longer game that explores these mechanics further. the scary parts did feel a bit out of place though

a really well written game about addiction. i care so so much about these characters. the mechanics are really fun, i love the little puzzles behind catching each snak. some were a bit too annoying though FDJKSHG

one of the only things that gets to me is hmmm the visuals? i think the 2d renditions of the characters are a lot more interesting than the 3d models. the overall 3d visuals really appeal to me though as they carry that sorta octodad vibe which i enjoy

sad lesbian robot game <3 this is p much a perfect game, it has so much to it. great story, great puzzles, great multiplayer, even great steam workshop levels as well

i particularly like how this one aged well. the art direction in portal 2 is such a step up from the first game (and i love how they did not care about retconning the visuals for everything) literally never gets old

i like how the escape sections aren't too half-lifey like the first game. i didn't feel as lost, the entire environment felt a lot more alive... portal 1 felt lonely, which was probably the goal. but i think i prefer how in 2 i feel surrounded by life, even if everyone's already dead probably

a bit of a classic this one. this is the game that made me start enjoying first person shooters back when my only real reference was idk war shooters and usamerican propaganda

it is a little bit half-lifey in terms of long ass parts where you're escaping, which is not something i really enjoy about portal. i get lost wayyyy too easily and even nowadays sometimes when i'm replaying this game i get lost GLKSJD the puzzles are a lot more interesting to me personally

tbh? i don't really like this port. they missed a lot of the original details and changed a lot of stuff that makes no sense to me (what's with the water shader??). but hey, it's a way to play we<3 without having or emulating a ps2. cool i guess!

i absolutely did not care about the new extra levels. they felt like cool challenges and all but anything that tries to expand too much on the katamari lore feels weird to me. the cutscenes about the king's father felt enough to me

i like how they added bits of the soundtrack from other katamari games as dlc. the way they got the otherwise very much ignored beautiful katamari ost and the touch my katmaari ost? just really good

other than that it's the same grips i had with the original game. it's a great sequel for something that didn't need a sequel, doesn't feel like a whole game per se but it's good katamari. yay katamari!

this game is extremely welcome given how weird emulating the original ps2 game can be. doesn't do much other than almost directly port the original game which is extremely welcome. the new prince+cousin models don't look too weird compared to the rest of the game

it's a shame how they did not handle the 30 fps lock in the pc version too well though. ui at 60 with gameplay at 30 made me dizzy. everything at 30 on the switch felt a lot better

one small change would've been welcome though, which is autosaving... i was pretty used to manually saving the game on the ps2, but on the switch i never really felt like i had to do it bc every other switch game does not require it

weirdly ok? it feels like the devs had no idea what katamari was about and sorta made the game about it somehow. like if someone was like "well katamari is quirky. we gotta make this game quirky" and it kind of worked out. kind of.

the rear touchpad mechanic feels so natural though?? like i think i expected it to be gimmicky and only to excuse the touchpad's existence, but it felt really good to stretch the katamari in order to do stuff. almost to the point where after playing this i missed this mechanic in other katamari games for a while

i really genuinely love the soundtrack for this one. it feels so fresh and having listened to the entire library of katamari soundtracks this one is almost on the same level of the first two games. fresh!

katamari beach episode. a psp port of we<3 without any of the mechanics that made we<3 interesting. weird controls but i somehow got used to it?

but hey it's katamari on the psp! no great additions to the soundtrack, no new mechanics, it's really just another platform you could play katamari in, if you got the thumbs for it. play it on a vita maybe?

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i only really played this one recently while damacy was my childhood katamari game, and i think we<3 is a pretty good sequel for a game that did not need one. the whole thing about the plot being about the game being a sequel is pretty funny by itself

it does expand a little bit on the lore but it keeps it simple, which fits. the mechanics are explored a lot better than damacy, felt like the idea was to exhaust the possibilities of what you can do with a katamari and it's really fun

the soundtrack continues being great, this one and damacy's work really well together. makes sense that both of them have become the two classic katamari soundtracks (shame that ppl don't talk about the vita one though)

the only grip i have with this game is that it does not feel like a. game? it feels like an extra pack of new levels. rolling the sun doesn't really feel satisfying. having to practice the credits in order to watch them feels weird. i never really felt like i finished this game, only that at some point i played all the levels that were available and i was done with it. i wish it was different ig!