10 Reviews liked by piss_christ

Don't you think blondes have more fun 8D

didn't really do it for me. too much focus on combat, the dumb cult plot line comes back for some reason too. i just wish it'd be more like the lynch-style psychological horror of sh2.

this PS2 game looks better than the vast majority of modern games AND it has a quirky girl being exposed to horrors. what happened to video games?

Just don't fucking touch children dummy what the fuck.

the story of the game hits some incredible highs as good as the others, but god i cannot stand the enemies in this game

Anime going mainstream was a mistake.

I'm not a fan of visual novels, but I feel sorry for the VN fans that had to put up with this shit back in the day. You deserve better.

Held up better than I would have expected. There were times were I was genuinely horrified while playing and that really caught me off guard for a PS1 game.

I got stuck on the ALERT puzzle because I was typing each person's name in full for hours.