interesting! definitely been thinking a lot lately about my own tastes and why i like things and why i don't a lot more, and interactivity and how much i care about it above other aspects has been a big chunk of that thought process. also the author is completely right about the medium peaking in 2005 with shadow of the colossus lmao, especially in the context of fully committing to interactivity in every element of a game.
but i do find myself questioning why i even like videogames as a medium and why i couldn't just be spending my time reading more books or watching more movies or TV shows if i just want to passively watch things unfold in front of me.

so, at the very least this gave me some nice extra food for thought on top of all the things I've been asking about myself and this medium. i do hope there's more of these in the future!

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
