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For a sequel, it feels more like a side step than a step forward, since it fumbles in the same aspects as the original. While the more aggressive combat (thanks to the omission of a stamina bar) and expanded customization are nice, readability is still an issue: both the game's art style and camera effects get in the way a lot, and in the final chapters where there's a clusterfuck of both enemies and allies, it's frankly a mess. The story, fittingly, repeats a lot of beats from Lucah since it plays out as more of a B-side to it and while I can get behind the messaging, the way it's told has so much misery porn that you can grow numb to it, rendering the sugary power-of-friendship ending kinda moot imo.
I still appreciate this game due to its unique look and how it translates hack and slash combat to its confines, but little seems to have been done to improve on its predecessor.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
