+ The Mystic class is interesting. Its core ability, Inferfusion, allows you to remotely manipulate terrain to perform special attacks (e.g. use a lamp to burn enemies, rocks to crush them, etc.) I don't think I've seen that before in other games.
+ Each character accumulates stories, heroic deeds, artifacts, mutations, etc. over time but also starts to feel the effects of aging until they eventually must retire
+ Great enemy variety, most with different special abilities that keep you on your toes in battle

± Similar tactical combat to X-COM but with a bit less depth and polish
± Outside of combat, you spend time directing your party to perform various tasks on the world map like scouting or building bridges, and gathering resources to be spent later at the shop. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking on your enemies growing in strength and invading. This part of the game isn't as enjoyable as the combat.

- Despite being one of the game's selling points, the procedurally generated dialogue is the low point of the game for me. Conversations are sometimes barely above gibberish and this made it hard to connect to my characters.
- More class choices would have been nice. There are only two others (Warrior, Hunter) and they aren't as interesting as the Mystic, especially in early game before they gain active abilities. But they are powerful and play important roles in your team.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
