Blasphemous was the first Metroidvania I fully completed and the game that made me fall in love with the genre. Fantastic story and visuals, and actually fun to complete. This game deserves much more justice than I am giving it, so instead of reading my dumb review, you should just buy it! If it's on sale, try to get the digital artbook as well, it's a treat!

If I remember correctly, I found this game through the Vsauce3 series "App All Knight" ('member Vsauce3? I member!). I thought it looked cool, and downloaded it. It really stuck with me, and I've replayed it many a time! It's a cozy little puzzle game with aesthetically pleasing visuals, charming dialogue, and a fun story. There's not much more to it, really.

Probably my favourite game of all time. I'm rating the 3ds version here because of the extra content, and I kinda prefer it to the Wii version, even though I have more nostalgia and memories from the Wii version. It's really just my comfort game, you can hop on at any time and complete a few levels. My only complaint is that a few levels are the fucking worst and the people who are responsible for them; hope you wake up from a nap drenched in sweat and uneven socks (I'm looking at you, 4-3 Bombs Away...)

Also... THE MUSIC! Holy fuck, the music! Spearheaded by Minako Hamano and co., the soundtrack includes not only original songs but also reworked songs by the legendary one-two-punch dream duo of David Wise and Eveline Fisher. If these names don't ring a bell, maybe you've heard "Aquatic Ambience"? If not, you are missing out on what must be not only the best water-level song of all time, but perhaps the best ambient song of all time. The whole OST is an absolute tour-de-force of video game soundtrack mastery. If you're not planning to play the actual game, you owe it to yourself to download the soundtrack. Trust me.

Anyways, great game! Recommended to anyone into Nintendo platformers and the like.