I am not a survival horror fan at all, and this game didn’t exactly do all that much to sell me on survival horror gameplay. I just don’t think it’s for me. I found it more tedious than scary, and before too long I turned the difficulty down to easy so I wouldn’t have to worry so much about the combat and resource management aspects.

With all that in mind: it should speak volumes about how much I like the story that I still managed to push through as a survival horror disliker and beat the game… twice.

Yes, immediately after beating the game once, I went right into new game+ to see the few scattered bits of extra story it added, as well as the somewhat altered ending. I never do that!! This game is a huge departure from the first, and it doesn’t quite have the same campy charm a lot of the time, and Saga’s side of the story in the real world wasn’t quite as interesting to me, but when it hits, it REALLY hits. Especially in Alan’s side of the story. The way the story keeps finding new ways to wrap back in on itself, layer after layer after layer of metatext, surreal blendings of both in-engine and live action material, all making you question how much is real and how much is a fabrication of one of a story within a story within a story, and if that distinction even matters in a world where fiction alters reality. What a blast. While I think Control was the more fun game overall, this is definitely Remedy’s storytelling at its best. They put everything they’ve learned into this game. This one’s gonna stick with me for a long time. Can’t wait for the DLCs.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
