Time and time again, the question, "How do you improve upon greatness?" Is asked. Resident Evil 4 Remake is nothing short of phenomenal.

Re4R is survival horror at it's finest, but you feel like the threat here. The game improves upon anything you could've complained about from the original. The combat in the original took some getting used to, but now you can shoot with ease, stealth kill, parry attacks, crouch, it's so much smoother.

Sections of this game are entirely reworked, redefining what a remake should strive to do. Tedious or annoying areas are slimmed down or expanded, and some areas are completely rearranged to fit combat, while enemy placement is perfectly scattered.

Even certain scenes are reworked to include a character who previously wasn't in there, and other characters get more screentime. Some scenes are rearranged from placement in the story as well. It all feels much more cinematic, the stakes are higher than before, and while I enjoyed the corny dialogue of the original (and remake certainly has its fair share of it), the tone is much stronger in this one.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is unbelievably good. It's a breath of fresh air in what feels like a drought of quality. The game's gloomy, dreadful atmosphere is a modern hit.

(Let me sit on it before I decide if I wanna give it 5 stars!!!)

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2023
