2 reviews liked by pooyork1

You know what they say about playing with fire...

This game was my life around when it came out, and nowadays, while there's some elements that haven't stood the test of time very well, the game is still tons of fun and even has some elements I didn't fully appreciate when I was a lad.

The arcade-like aspect of the game as well as its time managment is one of those previously-unappreciated aspects, and it lends an interesting dynamic to the game with the little amount it takes itself seriously in gameplay, even if this does cause some ludonarrative dissonance (sorry) with the dramatic but admittedly-predictable story. The story also has an amazing collection of music, whether being its doubly-entertaining and amazingly composed muzak to set as the capitalistic backdrop of the game, or the banging industrial-electro-metal of musicians like Celldweller or Blue Stahli scoring the boss encounters.

Does anyone else find it really bizarre that both Fortune City and Las Vegas exist in the DR universe? When Fortune City is an obvious play on Las Vegas? That would be like if both Liberty City and New York City existed in the GTA universe.