Playtime: 7:40 Hours.
Fast-paced horror action with plenty of trashy charm. The remake of "Resident Evil 3" is often criticized for being too short. I found the almost seven and a half hours to be just right for this abstruse balancing act between exaggerated, over-stylized action and the atmospheric horror moments. The story is stupid, the characters flat, but every Resident Evil has that in common. Part 3, however, has an interesting opponent in the form of Nemesis, a monster that keeps coming back stronger and stronger, and I personally like the urban setting better than the Spanish hinterland in part 4, for example. The game is unnecessarily difficult in a few places and the gameplay itself is sometimes too cumbersome, but I was still very entertained by the game.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024


3 months ago

Und Jill Valentine ist einfach ne Granate. 😍😁

3 months ago

Das kommt natürlich noch dazu :D