Having played only a couple games in my life, I started this game in 2018 and loved it, but couldn't get past the first boss. I then proceeded to train my skills and patience with more forgiving platformers and metroidvanias. I honed my abilities until two years later I was ready to throw myself at the mantis lords for 2 hours, and take twice as long as the HLTB time for the main story.

This is the game that made me want to get good. Hollow knight exists in a beautiful and sprawling world whose creators don't care if you don't see half of it. The fact that so many of my friends have ended up playing totally different routes in casual playthroughs is incredible, not to mention the more secret shortcuts and skips possible for speedrunning. I only wish I could erase this game from my mind to experience it for the first time again.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2023
