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December 11, 2022

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Vee commented on my review for Belmont’s Revenge expressing interest on whether I’d be a Super Castlevania IV liker or hater which did surprise me a bit because, in my complete ignorance of this franchise, I was under the impression that this is a really well-liked game! I’m glad to hear it’s a little more divisive because I was beginning to worry I was just going to be an eternal, obstinate contrarian with this series. It’s nice to know that I have a camp of people with me in thinking this one is a bit of a disappointment.

Super Castlevania IV takes the tack of a lot of early or series-first-outing SNES games (in this case it’s both, squeaking in just under a year after the console’s debut in Japan) in acting as a sort of ground up reimagining of its NES forebear rather than a true sequel. The goal here is to take the basic framework of the original Castlevania and balloon it to much more expansive proportions while simultaneously introducing new mechanics in both play and presentation that would have been impossible on less powerful hardware. SC4 goes in whole hog on this, expanding itself to probably four or five times the size and width of Castlevania and shoving 16-bit graphical luxuries at you so frequently and with such enthusiasm that it sometimes feels like a tech demo as much as it does a lavishly produced Castlevania sequel.

These aren’t bad things, necessarily. It IS cool that they can have Simon travel from the foregound to the background element now; even if this mechanic doesn’t really amount to anything play-wise, there’s an obvious giddyness to its implementation, or that of the truly migraine-inducing rotating cylindrical skeleton hallway halfway through the game. None of this stuff HAS to be here, and indeed Mode 7 sees much more practical use in the room immediately preceding that hallway where you turn the entire geometry around your character, or the boss fight that is actually a Mode 7 background element cleverly disguised as a character sprite to allow it to grow and shrink in size. It’s here because it’s COOL. A LOT of stuff is here because it’s cool and I fully support that.

In fact the single best thing about the game is its visual presentation. When they found themselves with suddenly a LOT more graphical fidelity than they’d ever had before, the new Castlevania team headed this time by a relatively young Masahiro Ueno needed to decide whether these games were gonna go all in on actual gore and horror or like, goofy cartoon B-movie shit and they went ALL in on Spirit Halloween vibes, it’s nonSTOP in this game. There are skulls just like, everywhere, on the ground, hanging from the ceiling, embedded in the walls, following you with their eyes; paintings reach out to grab you and books rattle supernaturally in their shelves. All of the familiar Castlevania mainstay enemies are here but there are some really great additions to the repetoire, my favorites being the ghostly ballroom dancers that haunt the middle range of the castle, floating around to music only they can hear and seeming to harm Simon by accident as they shoulder check him during a dance they don’t realize he’s not a part of. There are cobwebs and goop everywhere, and a lot of the returning bosses from the original game have new twists (special shoutout to the giant bat, who has been placed significantly later in the game and is now made of a mass of evil sapient gold coins that take the SHAPE of a bat, very sick). It’s just wall to wall a visual treat. I wish I could say that about literally any other part of the game.

It’s not that I DISLIKE any particular aspect of Super Castlevania IV, it’s more that none of it really moves the needle for me either way? The music is a prime example of this – after the first level opens with an absolute banger track, one that’s both foreboding of the adventure to come and full of this jazzy soul, confident that Simon will claim victory, almost all of the music in the game is just like, incredibly mild, borderline ambient. None of it is bad but it’s not the vibe I’ve come to expect from Castlevania, and it doesn’t even instill dread like calmer tracks in Castlevanias past. It’s a strange choice to make the music so sedate when the visuals of the game are SO maximalist at all times. The gameplay at large is in a similar spot. There are key changes at play that drastically alter the feel of the series in the form of 8-directional-whipping and being able to adjust your jumps in midair, but there are smaller things too. Subweapons are significantly less powerful by and large, or at least they feel it, while your whip is MUCH longer than in any other game, and you now have the ability to also like, freehand shake it around once it’s out, at which point it will still do damage when it connects, a fact you can use to absolutely obliterate literally anything in the game that gets close to you. What you’re left with is a game that massively empowers you but despite being expanded hugely from the game it’s based on, doesn’t seem to really account for your new tools in its level or enemy design. I definitely don’t mind a game being easy, and I don’t even care about the sanctity of difficulty in Castlevania in particular either. What I think sucks about this in particular is that the game is just kind of unengaging. It’s a long game by Castlevania standards, easily the longest one so far, but there isn’t a lot of variety to the actual stuff you do in each level despite fantastic visual theming across the board. It’s a long game that feels very samey across the board. This all culminates in a really bland, simple Dracula fight that hands you a win nearly as easily as the one in Simon’s Quest but without any of the thematic weight that one has. In a microcosm of the game’s play problems, he doesn’t even have a second form but he DOES have three equally simple attack patterns. It’s a long, boring fight that doesn’t ask very much of you at the end of a game that’s long and boring and doesn’t ask much of you.

I wish I wasn’t writing this because I wish I wasn’t feeling this way because there is SO much to love here. It’s just ultimately swallowed up by the fact that these ARE games that are so far mostly driven by the part where you walk to the right and whip a skeleton in the face until he explodes (the explosion effect is incredible in this game they really just burst like a clattering water balloon full of pretzel sticks) and that part is juuuuuust tedious here for me. More like Middling Castlevania IV. More like, Super Mediocre Castlevania IV. More like, more like, more like Subpar Castlevania IV. That’s pretty good let’s go with that one.