you never forget the first corpse you embalm. for me, it was a 29 year old woman named jade. she had three deep scratches on her back, and i thought she was marked for demonic possession. while i was entering her information into the computer system, jade sat up to stare at me. i didn't really like that.

talking about the mortuary assistant in detail is hard. this is primarily because i think it is best experienced with as little information as possible; every step of this game was remarkably unique in how it was used as a game mechanic. procedurally generated hauntings and bodies don't always keep it feeling fresh, and with five endings to find, this is one of those games i think people will struggle to finish. it doesn't take away from the experience, though.

it's a crying shame this came out in august. there's no bad time to launch a horror game, i think, and it's not like the game's being overshadowed by something else, but with mechanics and a storyline like this? the mortuary assistant is the perfect halloween night stream game. here's hoping that it totters all the way there. i think there's something special here, and a potential for something like a minor P.T. moment. there's scares in this one that'll stick with me for ages.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2022
