12 reviews liked by putrid

Situation: Comedy is the second episode of Sam & Max Save the World. I would say that the second episode is slightly less funnier than its first, however it is still a good episode.

You get a call from the commissioner that a TV talkshow host is keeping people hostage at the local TV studio. You get down there and esssentially have Sam & Max become TV stars for a day - featuring in various parodies of sitcoms, game shows and American Idol. All of this to get access to the TV talkshow and save the hostages.

The gameplay is not much to say about, it's the same as the first episode.

The second episode is intriguing as it ties together the first episode fora bigger overarching plot... only time will tell what it is about.

The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball is the third episode of Sam & Max Save the World. Here it picks up to the same quality of the first episode in my opinion.

The story here is that you are to extract an undercover mole in the local Toy Mafia, whose headquarters is at Ted E. Bear Mafia-Free Playland and Casino. Sounds innocent enough, huh? It's a Chuck E Cheese-y looking place where the staff wears big bear heads. You also get to meet an old acquaintance if you've played Telltale Texas Hold'em. Overall the storyline of this episode is good and the characters are fun, there's no real tedious moments and it's probably the shortest one so far - but that's not a bad thing!

Gameplay-wise it's the same as previous episodes so no complains there, however I want to add that I definitely liked the whack-a-rat mini-game. Makes me think of the ending scene of Sam & Max Hit the Road.

The episode wraps up with references to the major storyline and that definitely makes me want to play the next episode to see how it continues. This was a good episode and I hope the rest of them are too.

Abe Lincoln Must Die! is the fourth episode of Sam & Max Save the World. This is the best episode so far in my opinion and I will get into on why.

In this episode Sam & Max gets a call from the commissioner (well they call him...) who lets them know that the president of the United States has gone insane and needs to be stopped. So off to the White House they go where one thing leads to another... There's a lot of US politics references, fun characters and even a musical number! The over-arching storyline is closing in as well, but still with a lot of questions.

Gameplay-wise this is much like the other episodes, however there is a lack of mini-games in this one which was a bit disappointing (unless you count a certain button a mini-game).

Overall I loved this episode, because nothing is as enjoyable as some Bush-era political satire. That together with the regular whacky Sam & Max humor, it makes a perfect and enjoyable match. And hell, the satire presented is still very relevant! As I said in the beginning of the review, this is the best episode so far and I hope the rest holds to this standard.

Reality 2.0 is the fifth episode of Sam & Max Save the World. It holds to the same quality as the previous episode! The fact that Sam & Max makes fun of augmented reality several years before it becomes a real thing is hilarious.

The storyline in this episode is that the computers of the world are malfunctioning, which Sam and Max are quickly finding out is related to the latest fad in the city - Reality 2.0 which you access through a VR-headset. This takes you to something that reminds you a bit of your old neighborhood... somewhat. But you have to stop the internet before it's too late! The soundtrack definitely excels in this episode and while the re-use of some previous characters is well-made the introduction of the new "characters" is honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in such video game.

The gameplay is much of the same, however I do wish that they had expanded upon the battle system a bit. I understand why it wasn't a thing - but it would have been fun! Much like the previous episode, there is a lack of mini-games besides the battle system (which is more or less dialogue anyway so I don't count it as one).

With a bunch of technology, internet and video game references this episode is by far the best. It reminds me a lot of newer games such as Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality. I am hoping that the final episode that is meant to tie together all these episode will pull through!

Bright Side of the Moon is the sixth and final episode of Sam & Max Save the World. This is the episode where it all wraps up, which it actually does in a good way!

In this episode Sam and Max finds out who is behind the mind control hypnosis, and it is the least likely person they would think of! By the request of the commissioner, they are now off to the moon - where you can find the American flag, a lunar lander and... something else. The storyline really feels like this is where it has lead all along, nothing really feels shoehorned in or rushed. While no new characters are introduced, the ones brought back are done so in a good way and there's even some plot twists regarding them!

The gameplay is per usual the same, however there is a mini game in this episode at last! The puzzles however in this episode are pretty entertaining, especially the final segement which I feel is the best way they could have done "the boss battle".

Overall, Save the World has been a good season and this final epsiode did a great job of wrapping it up in a neat fashion. I can't wait to see what the next season has to offer and I hope it is as good, if not better!

I think the main reason why this game never took off was because it was a bit too convoluted in how to play it. It had potential, but most of the maps were boring and hard to navigate. The only good one imo was the Personoid Quarters. The fact that the game tried to be Among Us didn't help either.

Just play Among Us, Town of Salem or any other similiar game instead

Among the Sleep is a Norwegian-developed first-person horror walking sim, where you play as a toddler. Oh also, this is probably the only game in existance to feature the Swedish nurse rhyme "Trollmors vaggsång" which is pretty funny as it's something I recognize from my own childhood.

You wake up in the middle of the night, looking for your mother together with your new best friend - the Teddy Bear. While he has no name, he is actually voiced! The voice-acting is pretty decent, however as someone from Scandinavia it would have actually been fun to play it with Norwegian voice acting (I only noticed this existed due to the credits). You realize quickly that your house is not really the same during night...
During the game itself you are also told a secondary story, a story about your parents and the biggest anxiety of the child you are playing. The big monster so to speak.

So gameplay-wise you have 4 levels + the prologue. They're not very long, but different puzzles and segments makes some levels more tedious than others. The main downside of this game is the monster. I know right? Well, much like other games of the genre and era this game is the worst when the monster makes an appearance. Perhaps it's just me liking the athmosphere of "maybe a monster being there" rather than it actually existing, or more the type of horror game where you can actually beat the monsters. Eitherway the puzzles are mostly 3D platforming or collecting items, nothing complicated but it's not really simple either.

This isn't a very long game, you can definitely finish it quicker than I did who chased down all of the collectible drawings (and re-did some segments due to the previously mentioned monster). But I'd say it's recommended for people who are fan of this genre and type of games!

literally the most misunderstood game ever

oh boy this was just great, the story was the perfect twist to alice in wonderland and the visuals were absolutely stunning. every single chapter had me blown away because of the art direction and how different the areas were.

now my flaws are probably around the mid section of the game, id say chapter 2 & 3 felt repetitive, even though the visuals were beautiful the same enemies were being reused and the story didn't progress as much but outside of that every chapter was amazing especially the last ones.

to me, sote is a true love letter to all souls games.

Shadow of the erdtree felt like a combination of everything I loved in every souls game, and really feels like the perfect souls.

Let’s start with the world & atmosphere. The map being very convoluted just like dark souls 1 made me absolutely fall in love with the maps design, the cherry on top was the horror elements from prior games being brought back. I loved how truly horrifying bloodborne was and even some dark souls games were, and they brought back that feeling. Hiding from the mobs in the frenzied flame area was frightening, the ost and visuals themselves also gave strong bloodborne vibes. And the jars being piles of flesh, reminded me of the mobs in the clock tower of old hunters. The game absolutely was oozing in atmosphere, it had it all. From magical areas that are peaceful which may remind you of majula, to dead and dreadful areas that remind me of dark souls or even the gothic areas that look straight out of bloodborne. Don’t even get me started on bayles area, or the blue flowers. Every location was just insanely stunning.

The bosses, at first I thought they were a bit much but I used the buffs and found the boss cast to be perfect. all the weapons optimized for the new bosses were absolutely phenomenal, and the new boss cast not only has amazing lore but have great fights. I always felt like elden rings boss cast fell flat because a majority were flawed but the DLC made elden ring have the best boss cast by leagues. I have currently around five elden ring bosses in my top ten souls bosses… yea kinda mind blowing how good the cast became.

And probably something that absolutely excelled my expectations, the lore. I thought old hunters would clear in storytelling but sote is definitely my favorite souls story. I always believed we wouldn’t get much on marika due to her being a god, and from the past souls they usually leave the god-like characters more vague, but they gave her so much. All the detailing in sote doesn’t just create a new story but changes so much of the base game. Whenever I finished a souls DLC it was always its own thing, not connected to the base game- but they decided to go into an entirely different direction and that made it easily my favorite story wise. It made what I felt was missing from the base game become perfectly fleshed out while still leaving millions of questions. I also have to point out how much I adore the explicit storytelling in game, this is the first souls where I went out of my way to explore every item and location because I wanted to learn more about the story. I mean it has my two favorite souls characters in the DLC.

I guess you could say I liked the DLC… a bit