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Parkasaurus is a management simulator focused on providing for both guests who decide to visit your park and various types of low-poly graphic dinosaurs. The premise is simple, and continues to be both simplistic and fairly easy throughout your playthrough. The game doesn't get very "deep" beyond digging for fossils, scientific discoveries, upgrades based on a system of hearts and love, and building the correct biomes/environments for your exhibit, but it's enjoyable (at least to me) regardless.

There are multiple types of dinosaurs you can obtain based on both types i.e. sauropods, theropods, etc., and the time periods these dinosaurs lived in, and they're all adorable (they can even wear hats). There are also tons of entertainment and food buildings you can construct for customers. There's a story mode and a sandbox mode to take advantage of, and you're also able to walk around in first person, similar to other tycoon games. As I mentioned before, the game is fairly easy, so it's almost impossible to lose or find yourself in a downward spiral (I haven't experienced this, at least). The difficulty is almost as if it were a child's game. Regardless, this game is cute and fun, and it can be relaxing if you don't get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of dinosaurs, miscellaneous decorations, and restaurants.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
