23 reviews liked by pythoness

Minecraft Dungeons was actually a really promising idea to me. When it first came out I was asking friends who had played it on GamePass if they enjoyed it and they said it was alright but I really did not hear much more. I see now why after playing and I don't think it takes much to see the flaws in the game.

I bought this game for the Switch because it was cheap, had some of the DLC and I wanted to play local multiplayer since I knew it was multiplayer. Little did I know the Switch version is actually broken. The game would crash randomly, have constant slowdown issues and it was just a pain to play sometimes. I had to play a single level three times because of the crashing problem with this game. It's one thing to not port a game to another console because it cannot handle it, it's another to allow the game to exist and do nothing to fix its issues.

Outside of general graphics issues that really bogged down my experience. The game just does not understand how these kinds of games work. The leveling system is incredibly dumb because it's based on the level of your items, not of your character. Effectively, it's better to play items that are stronger in level, whether or not you like them, and whether or not they are actually optimal for the battle. So you can either play the game levels below where you actually are and play on baby mode, but at least you get to play with the items you want, or you can play with items that you don't like and play at a difficulty that will actually challenge you. And of course, they can't allow you to upgrade your old items, because that would be too simple a solution to this problem. Even though making your old gear better is a focal mechanic of Minecraft, we couldn't bother to add anything like that here. Well of course there are options to play at higher levels with weaker items but I would strongly advise against that seen as the game has no idea how difficulty scaling works. My girlfriend and I ran through this game with variances in difficulty everywhere. Some levels we would cut through like butter and others we would get stuck on one boss or group of enemies that would tear us apart, even though we played on the same difficulty rating all the way through.

So now we come to what I believe is the most egregious fault in this game, the level design. The levels are very vibrant and beautiful. There are some places that I really wanted to explore that were just out of reach and at first, it was so fun to run through each area and see what we could find. So why is this a problem? Well because Mojang's developers don't actually want you to look at the different places they developed, they just want you to get to the end. There are so many dead ends in this game that lead to nothing, it became tiring to walk down long corridors only to come to nothing. Occasionally there would be a treasure chest with some emeralds and a few enemies in those halls but most of the time, you would walk down a route way off the beaten path, find nothing, and have to turn back around. This made it really tedious to enter a new level knowing you were most likely going to run through, get nothing you like, scrap all of your old stuff for emeralds in hopes that one of the villagers at camp would give you something better.

To be fair to the game, bosses and enemies are interesting to fight, designs are good, weapons are diverse, the soundtrack is meh, and all--around the presentation is what you come to expect from a Minecraft experience. It's just hard to justify calling something good if it just looks pretty.

Minecraft Dungeons was an alright experience because they did the bare minimum and allowed multiplayer but if you have no one else to play this with, I would not give this a shot. Decent multiplayer game if you have someone as dedicated to it as you are, but it's a sub-par experience everywhere else.

I really had to sit down and think about this one. I might even complete this review in multiple sittings just because I really broke down into the fundamentals to figuring out why Super Mario 3D World is not a perfect game and why, in my mind, Bowser's Fury is, despite its length. I've had a complicated history with 3D World, it was the last console 3D Mario I owned, I started it and never 100% beat it in the summer of '19 because I could not get past Champion's Road for the life of me. Come Summer of '20 I sit down and decide I'm gonna grind through it and I beat it, only a few days after this remake was announced. I thought that even with Bowser's Fury I was not going to want to replay this game but then I heard so many good things about the side mode and decided that I was gonna spend my money anyways and I did. But in order to understand why I think Bowser's Fury is revolutionary, I think it is important to contextualize what it is that made 3D World not live up to the hype.

Super Mario 3D World follows a similar level design idea to that of Super Mario 3D Land. The game is set in a 3D isometric world that makes it look like a 3D Mario and play like a 2D one. It makes the levels a good baseline for anyone who wants to jump into the series. That being said, World differs from Land by being a bit more open. Each of Land's levels are a bit tighter and Mario has restricted movement to make the levels flow much more naturally. Super Mario 3D World has sporadic level design, with the game often shifting what you are doing constantly. Some of them introduce their levels well. They introduce an idea, expand upon that idea and then challenge a player's understanding of that idea. Levels that come to mind are Double Cherry Pass or Switch Scramble Circus. Then you take a look at levels like Champion's Road which has the player introduced to new elements presented in new ideas constantly. Or if you want to use the excuse that Champion's road is the ultimate Act 3 or a Mario level then consider the Boo houses in the game or the ninja house levels. How many levels in 3D World can you remember that even have that three-act pattern? When people say 3D World has good game design, they are cherry-picking to the extreme.

Although I will admit there was a lot of good in this game. The green stars are very well implemented and as long as I sat back looking for them, I usually found them on my first try. In some instances, they were even placed in really nice spots that make the player feel accomplished for searching around, such as in an invisible maze where there's a glowing spot for the player to ground pound and when they do, a hidden path appears to the star. On that note, completion is a rough thorn on the rose of the 3D World. I love completing 3D Mario's. Seeing that max star count in Super Mario 64 is what I live for. So when I look at 3D World in comparison I groan. Super Mario Odyssey has a lot to do but that whole lot is paced so well, with so many tips as to where you need to go and it all flows into the next so well that I never feel booted from the action. 3D World is very different because of the 2D Mario style. If you miss a green star, you have to go back and play through the whole level to find it. Three hundred and eighty stars, along with a collection of stamps and hitting the top of every flagpole with a character makes this game a pain in the ass to get through. I think this could have easily been toned down without removing the collectibles entirely. Get rid of the stamp houses and the mushroom and flower worlds. Each little thing the game forces me to do for completion makes me feel like the game is padding out its runtime. There is no need for a captain Toad level in every world that acts as a complete pace breaker, even though I do like the Captain Toad levels. There's no need for a stamp house or twenty different secret bosses blocking my path. Half of the stars that you get in 3D World are not even from finding things in levels, most of them are just end-of-level completion which does not give the player any gratification when they complete other levels and get nothing. I like this game, I really do but they need to tone things down with the collectibles

Finally, we come to the minor issues and praises for this game. Firstly, this moveset does nothing for me. The multiple characters really felt like a way to make the movement "interesting" because there are hints where I really like a character but it fades and I always switch back to Luigi because he's objectively the best and even he feels bland at times. The power-ups are what helps in this regard because this is the most power-up heavy Mario game and it works. While the cat bell does take center stage, I found myself often wanting a Tanooki Leaf or a fire flower just because of how well-balanced everything is in terms of enhancing the player's abilities. I do wish they had brought back the pocket system here because I do find myself looking for an item constantly only to realize I have none.

All in all, Super Mario 3D World is an incredible game that feels like a true translation of the 2D Mario formula into a digestible 2.5D format without being entirely uninteresting the way that Super Mario 3D Land was. Although I do just wish that the game wasn't effectively made with 4 casual players in mind because single-player experiences are more my pace.

-------------------------------Bowser's Fury-----------------------------------

When this game was initially re-revealed in late 2020 as a part of the Mario 35 Anniversary Direct, I effectively just took a huge sigh of relief. This was one of the last Wii U ports to make its way over to the Nintendo Switch and it was nice to finally have it, but I knew I did not want to get it when it came out. I liked 3D World but not enough to buy it again. Then the game comes out and I can't stop hearing about how its side mode, Bowser's Fury is one of the most innovative and unique Mario experiences ever. So I pick up a copy and put it in, not really expecting to be blown away but expecting to have a decent amount of fun.

With all of that introduction out of the way, I do have to say that Bowser's Fury is literally my favorite Mario experience of all time. Everything about this small little 6-hour experience is perfect to me and leaves me craving this formula more. First off, those controls that I absolutely hate in 3D World feel so nice here. Something about the way Mario runs and jumps feels so much more intuitive in a wide-open environment as opposed to a tight platform collection. Running up walls and bouncing off of enemies has never felt better.

It really has never looked better either. This game is so pretty, from the glistening water to the particle effects on the rain, the sludge effects on Bowser look magnificent. This is still effectively just 3D World's style but when you have time to stop and take a look at the world around you, you realize how pretty everything is. The cat references everywhere make for perfect secrets as well, discovering what does and does not have cat ears makes for perfect little rewarding secrets. Everything about the environment makes it feel as though the game was modeled with nothing but passion.

Speaking of those environments, just everything about exploring them is amazing. I have played Super Mario 64 and Sunshine an infinite number of times more than I have for this game but everything about this game's environment looks and plays so much better. I forget certain areas in Sunshine exist sometimes but there was never an area that felt forgettable to me here. Most 64 areas have certain puzzles or challenges that just play like garbage but none of that is present here. Whether you are climbing on a tower that you cannot see or moving around a fortress that is entirely surrounded by clear pipes, the challenges will always have you wanting more.

Unfortunately, that is the worst part about this game, that there is not enough of it. It is the shortest 3D Mario experience, even shorter than Super Mario 64. Areas are tiny and compact and it all takes place on one world the size of a single location in Odyssey. There are only 100 main collectibles and getting them all does not unlock some ultra-hard final challenge or even more collectibles. This game is very limited in its content and once you have played through it fully, you've effectively seen everything.

However, that is what makes me love this game so much is the idea that we may get more. If we get another 3D Mario game some time from now in the same formula with a new unique system then I am sure it will become my new favorite Mario but for now, this small slice of heaven will have to do.

One of the things you don't see with Animal Crossing: New Horizons or any Animal Crossing title is critical reviews that explain why the games are the way they are. In recent years I have begun to see a shift in the way people think about game reviews and the shift from explaining why a game is good into why a game is alright but not what could be. Here I want to do the same and explain why Animal Crossing: New Horizons is not the title I think it could be.

To preface this review, I want to say that I do not think New Horizons is a bad game, far from it. It matches a lot of what you want about these games that never end, there's a comfortable atmosphere, plenty to do and so much content that truly completing the game is effectively impossible. Music sets a welcoming atmosphere in Animal Crossing and listening to those tunes on a warm summer night or a chilly winter morning is one of the best things that comes with Animal Crossing. Beautiful vistas, the cuddly characters, the feeling of freedom as you explore your tropical paradise, and the limitless amount of furniture and clothing you can create make the game feel very personal. New Horizons nails what Animal Crossing always has, the aura of a calm, quiet town.

However, with that atmosphere, I rarely see anyone bring up why the quiet town feeling does not work. As we reach the game's 1 year anniversary, I see more and more people saying that they feel burnt out by the game. People who spent hours with the game will say they just dropped it one day and never felt the need to pick it back up. I wondered why that was as I continued playing and as I neared my 30th hour with the game, I discovered why. Beyond getting K.K. Slider, there is nothing to do with the game, and I mean that. Once you acquire a 3-star rating for your island, which is not hard at all, it's mostly just acquired through waiting, the game is pretty much done. But once I reached that milestone, I realized something; the game was going to make me wait a whole day just to see the end of the game. Suddenly, everything hit me on why this game does not work. You have to play the way developers intended, with no true freedom to do anything on your own. Do you want to buy into the Stalk Market? You have to wait until Sunday, and there's only a 7 hour period where you can do it. Do you want to do anything beyond your daily chores on your small landmass to gain money, looks like the only thing you can do is fish because you have to wait three days for your trees to grow fruit and a day until your rocks produce resources and shells wash up on your shores. Do you want to explore another landmass to get resources that are not native to your island? I hope you know another player with different resources because you are fresh out of luck finding that in a single-player experience. Do you want to build any kind of building that is not just another house for a villager to live in? Too bad, your focus should be on the museum and infrastructure, you don't get to choose what's on your island. The game has so many places where it falls completely flat in keeping you coming back. If you do not like the way the game has laid things out already for you, you do not get to pick your own way to do things like Minecraft or Terraria. You must do things the way developers intended with no variation on how to play. You don't get to make your own experience, or even pick which villagers you get, without some major caveat.

Sticking with the theme of developer-enforced fun, how about time traveling as an example. Why do people time travel in Animal Crossing? Because they want to cheat, right? Now answer me this, why do people want to cheat? To create their own experiences. When someone punches a cheat code into Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas or plugs a GameShark into their copy of Pokemon: FireRed, they are doing this because they want to create their own new experiences. Whether it's to give themselves a bunch of items they never got or collect every collectible in the game to see how the game responds, it's always fun to mess around with these kinds of things. But time-traveling is very different because it does not create a new experience that cannot be seen otherwise like a moon jump cheat, it just allows someone to experience the game without having the downside of waiting. It allows someone to skip ahead and continue to play the game when the game will not let them anymore. Imagine that Super Mario Odyssey forced you to stop collecting moons at a certain time. Say that you could only collect them from the hours of 8 am to 5 pm. Would it be wrong for a player to want to play the game after 5 pm by moving their Switch's clock ahead and playing that way? When developers put inherent limits in their game that force the player to stop playing, is it wrong for that player to wish to continue playing and doing so through the means of cheating. In my opinion, that is an inherent game design flaw. Now obviously that doesn't mean that I think fruits should immediately grow back. A way to remedy this would be with a significantly larger, perhaps infinite open world to explore and grab resources from. Run out of fruits in your small area, venture South and you find trees everywhere, or explore Westward and find mountains filled with rocks to mine. Is it really that hard to give that kind of freedom to the player so they can play how they want to?

All in all, despite my consistent bickering over the game, I did enjoy my time with it. Like I said at the top of the review, it's not that this game is bad, I just wish it had more to keep me engaged and playing for hours one day while allowing me to play the way the developers intended for only an hour on another day. This game has me eagerly awaiting more content and hopefully, a sequel will develop on the great base built here in this best-seller.

New Super Mario Bros 2 is like vanilla pudding. Nobody hates vanilla pudding because there really is no content to hate. Nobody loves vanilla pudding because there is no content to truly enjoy. Vanilla pudding is just the baseline and your enjoyment of it really comes down to if you find it tolerable enough to eat for the time being. That is New Super Mario Bros 2 and I do not think I have to explain why, but I am going to anyways.

Well I suppose what makes up the sugar content of this vanilla pudding should be up first. The stuff that's actually truly enjoyable about this game makes up a good 1% of it. New Super Mario Bros 2 fixes one of my biggest problems with New Super Mario Bros Wii, the star coins. In this outing, the game's main collectibles are actually useful again and are not hidden in invisible walls the way they were in the Wii game. The star coins are always hidden in just the right places to give you enough of a feeling of satisfaction without making it a chore for the player.However, some levels do not hide their star conis at all. Not even early game levels, I am talking about the last levels in the game I would collect all three of them in one run. Of course, all of that collecting is made easier by the power-ups which in my experience actually felt useful and unique compared to the game's predecessors. In DS and Wii, the unique power-ups to those games were really only ever used to find secrets and in the case of the propellor mushroom, actually provided a slight advantage, despite only being in like 5 levels. In New Super Mario Bros 2, you are actually forced to pick which power-up you think is best for solving a problem, which really only boils down to your choice of the tanooki leaf or the fire flower. Both are quite underwhelming and better implemented in other games but you will find that's a theme as we delve deeper into the game.

Speaking of game, how is it? It's bland and uninteresting, unsurprisingly. The art style and music lack uniqueness as both are essentially a blend of the previous two games, but mostly taking heavy inspiration from Wii. In the case of the music, it actually is the exact same as Wii and has no identity of it's own as far as I could tell. You find that a trend throughout most of the game, as boss battles include the koopalings, level themes and even the multiplayer are all ripped straight from Wii. Coin Rush, while admittedly one of my favorite things about the game, is just a single player coin battle from the Wii version. From red coins and checkpoint flags to secret cannons and hidden blocks, this game is just a rehash of everything that it's predecessors did with no added input. There really is nothing you can say about this game because it is not bad, it's just bland and the least interesting choice, yet you still find yourself coming back to it every once and a while.

Ask anyone who has played this game if they have fond memories of it and most of them will say yes. People who played this game liked it and still like it to this day, it's just when you compare this game to every other game in it's series, it is the literal definition of a middle child. But rating a game in context of others is not how I like to think about games. I always try my hardest to come to a conclusion about a game without thinking about what was done in other games, and only judge a game based on what it did right. Remembering that promise I made to myself, I just have to say that New Super Mario Bros 2 is a fine game. It's incredibly easy and it has no appeal to it whatsoever but it being a comfortable romp on it's own merits a good review.

With all of that being said, I come back to my vanilla ice cream analysis. Because if you ask someone who has never had a sugary treat before in their life to sit down and judge vanilla ice cream, they would tell you it's delicious and likely the best thing they have ever had. That will always be this game's legacy to me, something I wish I could have experienced as my first platformer so I could just appreciate it with ignorance.

I am incredibly conflicted on New Super Mario Bros Wii. So much so to the point where I am reconsidering a lot of the criticisms I levied on the DS original. This game always existed in my mind as a fun nostalgia piece, much like many of the famous Wii titles that my generation of gamers ooze over. However, coming back to it, I realized the game has many more flaws than just being an "alright game".

We're looking at one of the best-selling games of all time right now so I will just run through the things everyone says about this title. The game controls smoothly, exactly as you'd expect it to and I never found a hiccup anywhere. I'd even say that it's fun to run around in this game, more so than the original. The spin allows for much more leeway when platforming and being able to play the game from the Wii remote upright with a nunchuck or the Wii Pro controller means that anyone can play in any way they please. Music is alright, although incredibly generic and quite repetitive, as even for someone who has a soft spot for these games and their soundtracks, I got really tired of hearing the same song for every grass, water, or desert level. Level design is good enough; nothing ever feels like it pertains to the particular world's theme but they do a good job of introducing ideas and expanding on them. Although that's where my praise towards level design stops and my criticism begins.

This game has nothing interesting going for it, and I feel it makes the game feel even more painfully generic. With the original, I at least remembered most levels when playing them again and a few levels genuinely stand out to me as unique ideas. Nothing about this game is memorable. I played it in the span of a week and the only level I remember is the second to last level because the star coins were so difficult. Speaking of, why do the star coins exist in this game other than as a stand-in collectible? What do they do? They unlock a special world, sure but that could be unlocked after you beat the game normally anyways. Super Mario World doesn't force you to collect all the dragon coins in order to unlock it's special world. What else can you do with these collectibles? Spend them on hint videos that would not be necessary if you had no star coins in the first place. These things are literal contradictions in this game, their only prize is themselves which basically makes them pointless to collect in the first place. Not to mention they are not hidden cleverly at all because you really have to go hunting if you want to find these things. Most of them are hidden in an unnoticeable wall or barely take any effort to find as they just take a well-timed wall kick to reach. So effectively these things have no reason to exist, as all they do is pad out the game.

But of course, that's just if you want to beat the game to completion. What about those who just want to run through the game? Well then I am sorry for you because this game's difficulty dips and spikes sporadically like it has some kind of quota it has to fill. Most of the difficult levels are placed somewhere in the middle of the world and are usually only difficult cus they restrict something like your vision or natural progression like a sidescroller, and they can really be pace breakers. Not to mention the levels attempt to actively harm you for exploring which further puts the star coins into question. All around my feelings about the pace of the game is best summed up in World 8 where levels that take place in dark caves make it difficult to find your way through but have some genuinely creative ideas at play, there are lava rollercoasters that are probably the most fun part of the game and then the final castle just finishes the game with no interesting mechanics and no final gauntlet that tests your skill of the game like the original. I actually got all three star coins and beat the final boss in one try, it was that much of a breeze. Which pretty much sums up the whole game if you're just running through it. It's a breeze.

So those are my feelings on New Super Mario Bros Wii. Coming back to this honestly made me think about why people do not like this game as much as the original and coming back to it made it clear to see. The game has no reason to exist or be a sequel other than to cash in on 2D Mario hype and was pretty much the place that any hope for New Super Mario Bros to improve as a franchise died. I will always love this game but I will never want to return to it, not when the original outpaces it in every way.

I have a long history with this game, but the most important detail is that this is the game I think back to that started my love for videogames. Sure it's not a grandiose collect-a-thon like Super Mario 64, nor is it an absolute classic 2D platformer like Super Mario World but it was the game that made me the person I am today.

That being said, hindsight always makes you look back at something and say "wow I really thought this was some kind of masterpiece?" While many believe this to be the stand out in creativity of the New Super Mario series, I see how many of the main tropes started here. The game is incredibly easy and I racked up an almost full life counter by the time I was halfway through it and really only lost lives to the trickier star coins or just plain dumb mistakes. It's very generic, borrowing elements from every critically claimed Mario game before it and the art style and music do not stand out at all. The only reason I remember these levels are due to nostalgia and I could not name a single one and describe it to you outside of the final level. All post-game content is left up to secrets and completing the game rewards you with absolutely nothing except some backgrounds for the bottom screen. This game is generic Mario as generic Mario gets.

But that leads me to literally everything else about this game because the rest is all amazing. Sure it may be generic and borrowed but there are genuinely creative ideas at work here. My only gripe with those themes is how they are used. Take World 6 for example with heavy themes of war-torn mountains with bob-ombs and bullet bills everywhere, and a heavy emphasis on moving pulley systems. But this theme is skipped in some levels that replace it with an underwater level and a grass level that were honestly probably placed there to intentionally make the game more familiar. Then the final castle of that world uses none of these themes outside of the (genuinely creative) boss. That world represents exactly what New Super Mario Bros. is to me: well-thought-out and incredibly unique fun that weighs itself down by being the first 2D Mario in a while and thus it had to be generic because Nintendo is just that stubborn.

If you have read this far, you will notice that I have intentionally left out this game's sequels despite calling the game generic repeatedly. I never like to compare a title to future or previous entries and while that still rains true here, I still cannot help but feel that the music and style of this game do not stand out at all, even as a standalone title. It's honestly hard to believe that there was not a title before this that had some kind of shift into this one because it sounds and looks like every other New Super Mario Bros. game. That being said, the style is really nice for a DS game. While future titles do little to push the hardware of their systems, this title actually looks really good for being released early in the handheld's life. The sound replicates this as well, being bland but bubbly and sounding really good for when the title came out. I just wish more tracks were added and voice lines were given. I really do not feel like I am fighting some big army of anything like Super Mario World, it just feels like the original NES game but with Bowser Jr. and some updated polish and voice lines.

While most of this review has been me complaining about one of my favorite childhood games, that does not mean I hate it or even think it's a bad game. Just looking back at it now and with the context of the (hopefully) complete New Super Mario Bros. series, this game just has no staying power, despite being a really well-designed game with plenty of fun to be had. But unfortunately, it can be easily substituted by any other games from its series and really has no place in history, leaving it effectively worthless to gamers all around the world. I will continue to love this game but I must come to terms with just how little it did to revolutionize the 2D Mario franchise.

Cuphead is a literal miracle in game design and it's surprising that it managed to stand out in 2017. With a year that was filled with ambitious titles including Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, PUBG, NieR: Automata, The Crash Bandicoot remakes and many more, Cuphead stood out as an indie darling with the love and care that's necessary to make a splash hit in the industry. While it did have the backing of Microsoft to really get its leg in the door, it was that original concept that really struck the company as a must-have title.

Obviously, the big detail about this game that stood out was difficulty. This game is not easy at all and was the first mainstream instance of game journalists being treated like a joke. Whether or not you have played the game, you know of this difficulty and sometimes it gets to you. There are some bosses that are not designed fairly at all, such as Dr Kahl's Robot or Sally Stageplay which just make you feel cheated out of victories at every corner. However, I have always been under the belief that the difficulty ties in well with the game's main theme of the 1930s.

As someone who absolutely loves history and animated cartoons, this game really struck a sweet spot as all themes, bosses, songs, attacks, dialogue come back to the 1930s. Bosses will take inspiration from everything in that time period, whether it's the rapid spike in urbanization, the beginning of spiritual beliefs outside of religion, or prohibitionist style debauchery. The art style all works beautifully and has the look of your average American cartoon of that time, with some of the backgrounds sneaking into the gameplay to add to the already immense difficulty. Music will break out into swing and jazz tones that immerse you in the world and the action. And that action will kick in hard, making you really feel the need to strategize.

All of the strategy to action loop makes it possible for anyone to beat the game with enough time. While I mentioned that the game is difficult, it rarely feels unfair, bar for my previous examples. Even your bout with King Dice or the Devil will make you wanna throw down your controller or keyboard, but you always want to come back just due to how addicting that gameplay is. Strategy is key, but so are your reflexes, and a good mix of the two lead to the most satisfying victories. While you can buy the best charms and weapons, your victories will always make you say "I did that!" and that's what makes a difficult game a good one.

So while Cuphead's difficulty may turn away more casual gamers, if you don't mind sinking in a good 20 hours and getting lost in the 1930s then this is definitely your game. I hope that time remembers this game as the action-packed sensation it stands as on it's own, and not just the "1930s-inspired Souls-like" because Cuphead deserves it's own place in gaming history.

I have to come out and admit this to start, I was once scared of traditional JRPGs and used to be a Fire Emblem hater. While the announcement of Byleth in Smash Bros certainly did not infuriate me the way it did to others, I was not too happy about another generic anime swordsman. Fast forward a few months and my girlfriend tells me that I should pick up the game and it may be my thing. Needless to say, I positively love this game, but it has some flaws that really cause it to stumble in some areas.

I suppose I should levy my criticisms on the game to begin and then get to the positives. The biggest thing that bogs this game down is the main gameplay loop. Not the combat, but everything outside of the combat can be an absolute bore. Running around the monastery is fun at first but then you do it again and again which just makes you sick of it by the end. Even in the shortest possible route, you will have to run around the same location about 20 separate times to get information that could be explained to you elsewhere. I want to explore the great world established, visit the mountains and learn of the lore that way but instead, I am restricted to the same people I can talk to, in the same places I can talk to them. That weighs in a much smaller problem that is less a criticism and more so just an improvement that could have been made to the game; choice. The game gives you many dialogue options to choose from, but most of them just lead back into characters saying the same thing and it leaves some characters feeling more robotic than others, such as minor characters like Ann, the shopkeeper who really wants me to come back soon.

Voice lines like those lead me into the padding this game feels the need to put in. At so many points does the game feel the need to halt all story progression and send you through another month of training just so you can get on with the story. At the point where the game reaches its climax, it forces you to stop, go back through that main gameplay loop again, do another month of training, and then you get to proceed with the story which really slows story progression down. My final gripe with the game is a simple one and it's the graphics because this just does not look like a first-party Nintendo game. At some points, backgrounds look like a basic png was slapped on a sphere, trees are murky, and objects constantly clip through each other.

So obviously I hate this game, right? I just went on for two whole paragraphs about how awful this game is, and yet I still find myself loving it. Even if that main gameplay loop really deterred me from playing on some days, the combat is so enjoyable that it's hard to not love it. Fighting becomes so akin to war tactics, having to plan where you route each character so your weaker units will be shielded by your stronger ones. Each fighting style is unique and while some are better than others (ahem magic ahem) combining them all to make a well-balanced team became the most fun part of the game for me. The idea that you are a professor always comes back nicely into the progression because at every battle, as you always feel so proud of your students for getting the critical hit that wins the battle or avoiding the attack that could cost you the game.

On that note, I have to talk about the characters and worldbuilding. Despite my extended playtime with the game, I did only get through one route (I like to take my time, leave me alone), but I have to say that each character I ran into was positively beaming with charm. Each character interacts with another differently and their personalities change and grow as time goes on. So many nuances are written in that make you feel bad even for characters you hate. The death of a certain tyrant really hits hard as she speaks her last words to you, even if you do come to despise her for what she did to the world's people. That world becomes constructed around you along with the characters and it makes you yearn to see more of this world explored. Watching Prince Dimitri attempt to fight to reclaim his homeland or watching Commonwoman Dorothea attempt to find her place in the noble world makes you feel for these real people as they struggle with real lives in real places and watching that world come to a close brought tears to my eyes, knowing full well that my students would go on to lead their own lives.

In conclusion, how did I actually feel about Fire Emblem? I see it as a game with great potential. It was greatly held back by being a lower priority title in the Switch's library and while I hope that a sequel comes with a greatly expanded world and options, this game has so much good about it, it's hard not to love it. Would I recommend it to just about anyone? No, the typical RPG hater would see no merit in this game and hate everything about it. But to an average RPG fan, especially those who are a fan of war or grid-based strategy, then this is a must-play on the Switch. A sequel to this game could not come quick enough.

I have a complicated history with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Luigi is one of my favorite Mario characters and I had always heard of an elusive game known as Luigi's Mansion online, and it always sounded like a game I would love. Then this game comes out around the time that I am deeply in love with Nintendo. I never get it, play it, or even see much of it online but knowing of its existence always made me want the game. Fast forward about 7 years and I finally decide that for October 2020, I wanted to play all 3 games for Halloween. I beat the first one and wasn't incredibly in love with it but it was still a good time and then get to the one that I know its gonna be rough. This game which I got stuck on for about 3 months and boy do I hate this game now.

However, I want to start with the things I can praise this game for, such as graphical prowess. Holy crap this game is beautiful! Even if the art style is jarring between the standard Luigi and cartoony ghosts and environments, this game is the most graphically impressive 3DS game I have ever seen and really set the standard for 3DS games in the future. The music is very well composed and even fits in with the sound design at certain points. Little touches like Toad's feet sounding like a squeaky toy as he trudges through the mansions are good attention to detail. The Scarescraper mode is kind of fun although lacks any depth for it to be something I want to come back to again and again. Some puzzles are actually pretty interesting and well-paced with a unique physics engine that makes the game fun to mess around with from time to time. However, I do wish some puzzles were a bit more streamlined, which brings me to my problems with this game.

My biggest issue here is the mission structure, which many say is not inherently bad but just is not as fun as the open-ended version of the original. I disagree entirely as I think the mission structure is an integral flaw in this game that actively ruins the experience with its inclusion. Much of this game is spent in cutscenes between levels as the game tells you where to go and what to do. That gives the game a Super Mario Sunshine experience, where the game feels the need to boot you out after every level instead of letting you discover things as you go. However, unlike Sunshine, this game feels the need to drag you where you are meant to go, point to the room you need to be in, and then give you no further instruction. "Need to figure out how to rescue a Toad? Here's the room he's in, here's the item you need to get him out but watch out, a big venus fly trap is guarding the painting." But the game stops there, making it unclear how to get rid of the flytrap with only vague hints. "Been going through a long gauntlet of ghosts and you keep getting stuck at this point that's really late into the mission. That sucks, how does start all the way at the beginning of a 30-minute mission sound?" I swear this game wants to give you no sense of progression whatsoever.

Speaking of progression, let's talk about how the game makes you feel good for completing a mission; it doesn't. The only feeling I ever got after a mission was "thank goodness, that's over." Reusing locations is abundant in this game and it leaves you feeling like you didn't actually clean any rooms out, you just temporarily cleared it so the game could set up some kind of puzzle for the next mission. Collectibles are abundant in the game but none of them give you any feeling of progression. Boos no longer feel like a special collectible because most of the time you just stumble upon them and then get no reward apart from a medal on the home screen. Gems feel less than worthless as I feel I was cheated out of some money by completing a tricky puzzle and all I got was one more rock to go into E Gadd's trophy case.

The plot feels like a continuation of the progression problem, as it too never feels like it's advancing. As opposed to the GameCube game, it's really only revealed that the ghosts have trapped Mario in the last quarter of the game. The only reason you really help E. Gadd before is because he wants some research done on the Dark Moon, the main McGuffin of the game that serves no purpose to the player outside of 'get it because I told you to.' The game tries to set itself up like it's some kind of grand heist but it is literally just the plot from the first game. Ghost designs are entirely too boring to be interested in actually capturing these things (about 3/5ths of the way in they give up on making actual new ghost designs and just add cracks to the models of the original designs), boss battles have no relevance to the plot and are usually just 'wait until this thing happens, go through tedious gameplay portion that could just be a cutscene and it would have the same effect, repeat 2 more times.' This game just outright refuses to do anything unique. It tries to have this emotional ending but it falls flat because the game never takes itself seriously, constantly cracking some slightly funny jokes and then moving on.

All around, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon feels like a funhouse distortion of the original, lacking in everything that made that game unique and interesting and putting it on a form factor that just does not fit the Luigi's Mansion series. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is disappointing, flawed, and almost killed my love for a franchise that has intrigued me since before I even knew what it looked like.

Super Mario 64 DS is a game I grew up personally and picked up recently as the nostalgia bug urged me to jump back into it to complete the game. When thinking of this game, I had to ask myself two questions: how does this game expand upon the original, as well as how does this game function as a standalone experience. Some say this is the inferior version of the game which is an understandable point of view.

The controls are just as bad and arguably worse than they were in the original, as precise platforming becomes much more difficult to perform, your hand can get incredibly cramped while playing, and just the fact that Super Mario 64's level design was not made with a D-pad in mind. I do personally believe that the level design is the biggest flaw for this remake, as the precise platforming, especially in later levels, makes the game unnecessarily difficult. Platforming becomes a chore, whereas open-ended levels (or those with less bottomless pits) feel a lot more fun to play. Even levels like Tick Tock Clock, Snowman's Land, and Wet Dry World feel good to play because platforming is much freer. Compare this to Rainbow Ride, Tiny Huge Island, or Tall Tall Mountain and the difference is drastic, as it becomes a nightmare to navigate, and one slip-up where the character loops around instead of snapping to the desired direction means falling to your death. The point stands that controlling Mario is not as fun as it was on the Nintendo 64, even if there were design tweaks made. One of those design tweaks being the new characters which spread out Mario's moveset.

This setup is honestly not too bad as it gives you a specific way that you play the game, but it does get tiresome wanting to run through the whole game as one character and having to compromise that just to do a mission. While we are on the bad, I'll say that Wario seems like the most worthless addition to this game as if it weren't for the black bricks and the fact that only he can use the metal cap, he would be completely unnecessary to 100% complete the game. This is where I believe that splitting the moveset failed in some regards. However, on the brighter side, I do believe that this split was one that made each character feel distinct, aside from the aforementioned Wario. Yoshi has a significantly better grab and has the flutter kick which can leap across larger gaps, Mario has the wall kicking and much less floatier controls, while Luigi has a superior backflip and a slower descent when falling, allowing for better mid-air course correction. Each of these different movesets makes each character feel different and fun, even if you do just want to run through the whole game as Mario.

Finally, we come to the new content, which is really what's advertised as the big new features for the game and it varies in quality. The graphical overhaul is greatly appreciated and still holds up well today. Comparing this game to its Nintendo 64 original, the two look like they were created decades apart. Other than that, it's mostly all the same game you remember. Music is the same, with a few variations in the way themes sound, however the sound design, especially voices, sounds so bad, as though everything was recorded underwater. In terms of actual substance, there's one star removed from every level and two in its place, most of which are switch stars or silver star collecting and get old pretty fast. Six new areas were added but they are fairly small and only contain secret stars and linear platforming sections. Along with all of this in the main game, there's a collection of minigames and multiplayer mode included. The minigames give a lot of extra weight to the game and there are a few that are fun to play over and over, trying to get a new high score. The multiplayer is absolutely fun with friends as complete chaos will break out as everybody tries to beat each other for stars, even if the levels aren't original and the mode does lack depth. All of this is completely avoidable from the main game, aside from collecting all the bunnies required to unlock the minigames, so do not worry. Overall, it meets the requirement for new content without taking too much away from the original. Obviously, storage was a concern as all of the previous game, along with the new content had to fit onto a DS cartridge in 2004.

Now, for the questions I proposed at the beginning of this review: does the remake expand upon the original? Yes, and no. There was plenty of new content, however, most of it was monotonous and repetitive but it does give the player more to do. Does this game hold up well as it's own experience? Absolutely and if someone wants to give this version a shot and has no way to play the original, this is absolutely worth it. All of this extra content and the feel of the original given new life deserves to be held up next to the original as games that launched their new systems in a way that seemed technologically infeasible.