This 3/5 doesn't at all describe the batshit insane genius of Deadly Premonition's story, featuring one of gaming's most interesting protags, Francis York Morgan (who's basically if Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks was a psychopath). Temper your expectations about the awful, boring 3rd person horror-shooter gameplay segments, and you might grow to appreciate exploring the town of Greenvale, learning about the quirky folks who live there, listening to that stupid whistling song for the 15th time in a row, and experiencing the rollercoaster that is this game's mystery plot.
(Find a different version to play though, the game suffers from some large performance issues on Switch.)

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2021


2 years ago

last line made me laugh out loud

i'm sorry fella but swery and performance issues are like white on rice. the pc version's fucked, the ps3 version sucks, and i'm pretty sure the xbox 360 version is also a disaster but iirc it's the best way to go
what about brown rice

2 years ago

@chandler yeah I understand that, but this version is just particularly awful compared to the other ports apparently. And I didn't even know it was missing content from Director's Cut until later.

1 year ago

The Xbox 360 version is definitely the best way to go. Didn't have many issues with it surprisingly.