Penny's Big Breakaway is a great time for speedrunners, but isn't quite as satisfying for a casual playthrough.

I can't say anything about the fantastic movement system and level design that hasn't already been said, yet I feel that the game doesn't blend the two as well as it could have. Levels are large & elaborate, yet the high-level play almost encourages you to simplify them and disincentivises interactions with world-specific gimmicks. The overall effect is a sense of sameyness as you progress through the game. If you try to play the game more casually, then the levels will feel empty & overly large. The last few worlds were noticeably weaker than the rest, as they start to reuse mechanics and lack the story buildup & atmosphere that many platformers employ to create a satisfying ending.

Another pain point for me is the original universe that they've built. The world of Penny's Big Breakaway is vibrant and boasts distinct art design & use of colour, but feels oddly charmless for a number of reasons. The dialogue isn't particularly funny, and the cutscenes are extremely tedious to sit through. A bigger issue is the sound design, which is very indistinct and lacks the recognisable soundscape of its contemporaries. The lack of voice acting hurts it too, as Penny herself lacks a memorable personality & voice.

I've been extremely critical up to this point because I overall loved this game and want to see it improve with time. Alongside Balatro, this game taken up 90% of my gaming time over the past month. The core gameplay is very well done, and the 'ride' mechanic perfectly captures the immense satisfaction of holding down on a slope in a 2D Sonic game. For a debut title, this is an extremely strong first impression for Evening Star Studios. The talent that was hinted at in Sonic Mania's handful of original levels is on full display here, and I hope the team takes the feedback to heart and makes a fantastic sequel to this someday. While not a high bar to clear, it's easily the best 3D platformer that has been produced in the indie space.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
