Destroy All Humans is a game I always meant to get around when I was 15. Well now that I'm 32 better late than never.

This game is a lot of fun. It's pretty much what I expected with quite a bit of surprises. It seems pleasantly ahead of it's time for 2005. The semi open world sand box style levels, map collectibles, weapon upgrades, post story challenges, and a surprising amount of variety to gameplay all add up to an incredibly modern feeling game. That said I don't know what, if any, mechanics or gameplay was added for this remake.

I do know the graphics were completely overhauled and the entire design aesthetic was switched from the original. At first I thought this looked fine, but then I saw it compared to the original and it gave me a whole new appreciation for it. Not that I'm one to complain about old graphics or think they look like shit just because it's old. I still love playing ps2 games in their original form and I settle into the graphics just fine. I had a new appreciation for Destroy All Humans graphical re-design because the cartoony aesthetic works so much better for it. It fits the tone and the story so much more than the realistic look they were going for originally.

I also appreciated the satirical tone and the retro 50s B movie sci-fi look. It's a fun throwback and those two flavors mesh really well.

My biggest nit picks is that a lot of the levels just felt like tutorials and they never really let you off the leash. It felt like the game really shined in the open world free roam segments. It also felt like I was completely overwhelmed with text boxes and dialog. At any given time there could be 3 separate boxes of text with 3 separate voices talking at the same time. It felt like audio-visual over stimulation. The only gameplay element that really annoyed me was the camera when flying the saucer. I felt everything else was adequately implemented for 2005. The gunplay, traversal, telekinetic powers, stealth mechanics all felt really well done. The challenges at the end were slightly annoying but nothing that couldn't be done after a few tries. It's a fairly easy platinum trophy which is alway bonus points for me.

I'm sad there was so much missed time from my childhood by not playing this sooner but like I said better late than never. I really enjoyed Destroy All Humans. 8/10.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2022
