Decent game—it is quite impressive that this was made in 48 hours, that in and of itself gets a point. I think the atmosphere is cool, and I appreciate the nuggets of lore and backstory placed about, as well as the multiple endings. It is pretty short, and I don’t really find it scary at all. But the tower, the floodlights, the woods, and the Goatman all come together to make a relatively memorable atmosphere that helps this game to stick out from some other short game experiences. I think this idea and this world has a lot of promise, and I saw they released a sequel, so I’ll check it out.

I didn’t get all of the endings, I got the “both dead” and “ranger survives” endings, but I watched how to get all of the other ones. Wish there was maybe some more impact to some of the endings, instead of most of them ending with a picture of a newspaper saying what happens following a loud roar usually.

This game was fun, for as long as it was, and for how cheap it is. At $9.99, this game is a quick fun game that you can play for maybe a day or two, and uninstall after you’ve had your fill. The physics are really impressive sometimes. Other times, they are NOT that great, with my hands or objects continuously getting stuck in objects that were a struggle to get undone. I didn’t do hand tracking, just because I haven’t quite yet been impressed enough with it to play comfortably, and I think hand tracking would’ve just made this even more frustrating than it was. I do wish there was some hints that could be given to the player if they request it, maybe highlighting the exact tool you should use, because there were many circumstances where I didn’t know what tool to use because a some look identical to others, and I am also not a doctor. But this game was fun, the puzzles were fun, there’s not a lot, but it’s stressful in a good way, and I like having some of these high tech tools that help to distinguish this game from other surgeon sims. I do wish they played with that a lot more. The last two operations deal with aliens, and that’s so fun! I really wish they dived more into some of that wacky sci-fi and robot stuff to set it apart even further.

The last level is unbearable. For whatever reason, the game can not comprehend your hand moving the lever you’re using to control a robotic arm backwards, so I spent about 30 minutes trying to get past the first task in the last level, finally got past, and then it bugged out and I couldn’t progress further. I’m still saying I completed it though, because I could complete it if the game worked as it intended. It was an interesting idea, but just was not executed well.

But, fun; I’d recommend it if you just want a quick fix of something pretty fun. Obviously, if you’re not a big gore or blood person, this game is very much not for you.

I had some fun with this one. It’s not really great by any means, and not as game-changing as the original was, but it had its moments. I really like the designs of all the robots, I like the idea of battling robots with office supplies, the portal gun is such a fun mechanic and is super cool, and there’s some pretty funny jokes and humor. One thing I wanted to point out that I really appreciated, is that they have a lot of really good hints for puzzles where you might get stuck. They have all of these motivational posters all around the game, and it isn’t until you start looking and paying attention to them is when they start giving you great clues to figure out how to progress. Maybe it’s a poster saying “Keep your head up!”, with the head looking directly at a vent you can teleport through, or a sign advertising a screwdriver, which is exactly what you need to progress in whichever room you’re in. That’s all super cool, and makes for really good level design, because you don’t pay attention to these signs until you get stuck and start thinking “okay, I have to look closer at everything.” These signs kept me engaged multiple times throughout my playthrough. There are also a couple boss encounters that are really exciting—the first one is really fun, but kinda drags on for a little long, and the AI doesn’t seem to exactly work the way it’s supposed to, and the last one is super fun and is super rewarding when you figure out what you need to do to win. Very natural progression, such a fun encounter.

The game isn’t without some flaws though. Maybe it was just me, playing on the Quest 2, but my locomotion was DREADFUL every time I played, and I tampered with a lot of settings, and it didn’t seem to fix it. It felt very buggy at times, and there was only the occasional rare occasion where I could walk for a couple seconds without any stuttering. I ended up just using the portal gun to maneuver, most of the time. And, at least for the first game, the environments were VERY boring. It is an office building, so it is to be expected, but there were definitely ways to offer some variety and more unique environments, cause most rooms look the exact same. The game, especially in the first game of the two, can get very monotonous and boring for a little bit. It starts to change up a bit in the second one, and it does genuinely offer a lot more variety and unique rooms, but that’s for just the last half of the game. Also, I feel like they could’ve implemented the stealth a little better. There’s no crouch button, and it also feels like sneaking around and getting a stealth kill hardly ends up working out. I’d very often try to kill the robots silently, but they would still make a lot of noise and try to shoot me, even with a precise stab to the head. I also wish they offered more variety of objects you could use to attack the robots, and I do appreciate the bow in the second game. The final level too is also pretty underwhelming, and doesn’t feel like it ties up to the themes of the story. It’s just the same thing over-and-over again for a little while. The story’s also not bad, but it doesn’t do anything to make me wanna come back at any time and replay it.

The Arcade Mode is also fantastic. I feel that the arcade mode actually does a better job of introducing game mechanics and showing you how to play and how you SHOULD play way better than in the Story Mode. The level design in the levels too is really good, and they all really stand out from each other, with unique objectives and good pacing. I just wish there was more. I was able to complete the entire thing in under and hour, and it’s only with stuff from the first game. Some arcade levels from the second game would have been fantastic!

Pretty fun game, if you can get it on discount, or even with a referral code, I’d recommend it, if not for the boss encounters, portal mechanic, and level design alone. But I probably won’t return to this one.