Very cute and charming 3d platformer. All the worlds and bosses are very memorable, challenging (in the later stages) and fun. I loved the dialogue and voices all the characters in the game have, the humor is also very on point. The murder mystery train level and the Mansion level in chapter 3 were easily my favorites, but there's also a lot of amazing platformer levels throughout (specifically the finale acts). This game shows it can experiment with genres and different styles of gameplay and it works incredibly well. I loved the exploration in Chapter 4 and it may be my favorite world because of it.

One gripe I did have with the game is that there were some annoyances with the camera movement. Sometimes it forces you into a POV that makes it hard to see some obstacles or platforms you need to jump on to progress. I also wish there was more content in the base game in general. I don't mind the reuse of worlds in some acts, though they are some (mainly chapter 1) that I feel the game could have done more with.

Incredibly well-done and immersive experience all-around.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
