I don't like to say things like this very often, but this is quite possibly one of the worst video games in existence. There is nothing redeemable here. I feel like basing a video game on a film or show is something incredibly hard to do. I think I've barely ever seen instances of this working, but the potential is nearly limitless. Bad Boys is not the franchise for that. An already lacking movie will only lead to a lacking video game.

Despite this, I thought that a Bad Boys game would be a laughably awful GTA clone to laugh at and make a video of. I was wrong. It controls like an on-rails shooter with the literal worst controls humanly possible. Maybe this is just the GameCube version, but I quickly realized the control scheme is almost impossible to use effectively. Combine that with awful design choices to inflate difficulty and pad the playtime, and you can easily begin to understand where the cracks begin to form. Or in this case the cataclysmic void that is this game's utter lack of potential entertainment value.

My friend and I died over repeatedly, experiencing the exact same dialogue, enemies, events, and boring gunplay. I hope to never revisit this game, it is an utter and complete travesty to a degree that I cannot fathom.

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2021
