Music so bonkers good I bought the soundtrack within half an hour of starting the game. The tiny bit of story that's in here is also really promising and does a solid job of introducing us to its protagonist, Beat. She's messy, she's impatient, she's got hang-ups and complex feelings about very specific things. She's thoroughly compelling and at times, hauntingly relatable. That is to say, she's just like me for real (ADHD + perpetually doomed by debilitating perfectionism).

It's worth mentioning that the actual rhythm game portion has a bit of an initial difficulty curve and can take a while getting used to. It's mostly the "dodge" and "double tap" notes that were tricky since there aren't really direct equivalents to them in other rhythm games I've played. But hey, the struggle for mastery is part of the appeal so I don't think it really detracts from the experience or anything.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
