perhaps the game just isn't for me but i feel like there is too much idling in this game. i suppose that's part of the authentic pirate life but it doesn't help that every task feels so monotonous or repetitive.

there's some really good missions you could do that feel less idle-like (looking at gold hoarders) but you are incentivized to play for every faction to see most of the content in the game

could also just be me being a scrub but i think the combat sucks too, so i never have a desire to act like a pirate and instead i commit to being a humble privateer.

there's also just a load of jank. i appreciate the continued support to add so much content, but something about the game still feels really unpolished in comparison to something like Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

this is a minor nitpick but customization is incredibly important to me in games where it is offered, and it pains me greatly that Sea of Thieves does not let you customize the features of your character. you MUST select from a selection of randomly generated characters, and if you don't like those you just roll the dice again until you find something you like. once you have chosen your random design, if you ever wanted to change you it you must pay a fee. this just pisses me off to no end and is the icing on the cake for why i don't enjoy this game as much as i could.


high octane boss rush. slightly challenging but immensely satisfying. absolutely bangin' soundtrack too.

peak kart racing. if only it had a pc port