i usually enjoy this game more as a progression checklist + boss rush. with a more linear structure than minecraft im eager to return to terraria and play it a new way once every few years

one of my favorite games ever. high speed movement and precision based gameplay that rewards you for doing it faster and faster. insanely addicting. excellent soundtrack as well. criminal that i havent found myself time to finish this game yet.

i unironically enjoyed the porn racer. guess ill be labeled a degen forever lol. in pursuit of something closer to Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled but on PC, i landed on this game and nearly played it to completion. i haven't kept up with the seasonal events or some of the updates over the last year or two, but i can speak fondly of what i did play. there's just enough depth that you could really sink a lot of hours in learning the mechanics and fastest routes for all the maps but the skill floor is low enough that it is really easy to get into (easier than Crash Team Racing for sure, maybe slightly harder than Mario Kart which is great!).

while the gameplay is simple and feels tight for the most part, there are some interactions that feel incredibly janky and leads me to thoughts along the lines of "this wouldn't have happened to me in crash or mario kart". i've definitely clipped on geometry that i didn't expect to be caught on, or have had the game's lakitu equivalent force me to drive straight at the slightest deviation from the main track. it could probably use some polish in that regard to be prevent unwanted situations.

i think all the maps are also great, if a little under-detailed. this can be chalked up to the in-game artstyle which has a cute polygon/voxel thing going on. as far as actual level design, all of the maps are good in that regard but no standout courses come to mind. some turns will ask you to cut much more than you can control but there's only about 3-5 maps that have sections like that.

there is also a good soundtrack here. definitely some catchy beats that could get stuck in your head, especially the main menu theme.

oh yeah and there's lots of smut unlockable content but you probably didn't need me to tell you that. lots of cheesy writing for the sake of being horny too, which is sometimes funny.

hopefully one day we get multiplayer so i can bully my friends into playing the smut racer with me

highly stylized fighting game. i'm not usually a fighting game player but sometimes i'll get an itch for skullgirls and gawk at the visuals and all the little details put in to the game, then stop playing after i've had my butt kicked a few times. fortunately this game actually has a really great tutorial but even after playing through that and looking up other guides on the game, i think i can say i really tried it but it doesn't click with me. still admire everything about it though

a concept you'd never think would work as a video game, yet so beautifully executed. somehow creates a fun exercise out of stressing over little details.

slow paced objective based zombie survival game. i like the game but certain actions or movements are so painfully slow, to the point of harming the experience as opposed to creating realism. the difficulty can also feel brutal if your luck is not favorable.

perhaps the game just isn't for me but i feel like there is too much idling in this game. i suppose that's part of the authentic pirate life but it doesn't help that every task feels so monotonous or repetitive.

there's some really good missions you could do that feel less idle-like (looking at gold hoarders) but you are incentivized to play for every faction to see most of the content in the game

could also just be me being a scrub but i think the combat sucks too, so i never have a desire to act like a pirate and instead i commit to being a humble privateer.

there's also just a load of jank. i appreciate the continued support to add so much content, but something about the game still feels really unpolished in comparison to something like Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

this is a minor nitpick but customization is incredibly important to me in games where it is offered, and it pains me greatly that Sea of Thieves does not let you customize the features of your character. you MUST select from a selection of randomly generated characters, and if you don't like those you just roll the dice again until you find something you like. once you have chosen your random design, if you ever wanted to change you it you must pay a fee. this just pisses me off to no end and is the icing on the cake for why i don't enjoy this game as much as i could.

at first you think you're just playing a little RPG with a format screw, but then your life is changed forever. if you haven't already played UNDERTALE, i highly suggest refraining from doing any research and going in as blind as possible.

i must preface my thoughts with the fact that i am not a rougelike enjoyer. however, when a friend of mine managed to get me to try this game, i was near instantly hooked. it is oozing with fun elements and creativity that you can see in the weapons, characters, and setting. it is still challenging but i believe this is a great rougelike for beginners to the genre, as there are many things in place to help you along the way. small bonus if you are a dungeons and dragons player, as there are several nods to tabletop gameplay present as well.

i do not play this as regularly as i did in my time growing up on the internet but it remains a cornerstone of my gaming library. most of the time i spent on Garry's Mod is in Trouble in Terrorist Town which has been my first and favorite hidden identity type game for the last decade, and also solidified my interest in this genre of game.

this game could have been a 5/5 star game if it received the love it deserved. the setting, mechanics, and gameplay are all are great but it is stained by unfinished concepts and unclear direction. in its current state, it simply gets boring really quickly after the initial euphoria.

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a cute and charming 3d platformer collectathon. hat kid feels amazing to control and makes exploring the game a blast. the DLC is some of the best parts of the game. there can be janky interactions sometimes but nothing ever felt unfair or impossible, and i have completed every Death Wish (side objectives included) in the Seal the Deal DLC.

my biggest gripe is that the story really lacks anything to do with time travel as you'd think would be the case given the title. you could replace the time pieces (main collectible) with any gizmo that powers her spaceship and the plot would be unchanged.

crash bandicoot holds a special place in my heart. this is one of my favorite games of all time and at the time of release it was great to see such a return to form. admittedly i do not think this game is for everybody; some bits can be challenging if you don't play platformers or video games regularly.


high octane boss rush. slightly challenging but immensely satisfying. absolutely bangin' soundtrack too.

fun little "mario party like" game to play with friends. the boards and items are all great fun. however what kills my rating is that i think most of the minigames are bad. they do not control tight enough or are far too easy which leads to stagnation once everybody knows how to win them.