5 reviews liked by retropoetry

This game is so ahead of its time. Played it as a kid and never beat it. Played as an adult 20 years later and this game is still really fun. It is surprisingly hard and the only reason I beat it was because the pc version allows saves. You couldnt save on the original Sega Genesis.

Okay, look, I'm sure this game has its fans and I'm very glad that you can find something of worth in this game, but good god I can't stand this thing.

My main problem is that the controls just feel bad. the running feels like I'm playing as a guy who has sticks of butter stapled to his feet, and the jumping physics are extremely floaty and imprecise. The simple act of landing jumps is an ordeal. It is just not fun to play in the slightest. There's no particularly interesting level design to soften the blow.

I first played this on the PS2 SEGA Genesis Collection and had a truly awful experience, then played it again on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection to earn a trophy tied to playing it, and I constantly just wanted it to be over. Absolutely not gonna touch this ever again.

Personally I think Chuck D. Head should join the canon of scrimblo platformer characters who people obnoxiously beg to be added in Smash despite never having played the game they're from because we've never had a character whose primary gimmicks are decapitating themselves and having the most fucked physics imaginable

Dangerous Seed is what I'm called in bed