1 Review liked by reubelius

This game goes nutty. This game goes balls to the wall.

I've often seen it commonly written off as an Undertale clone and while I also love Undertale to bits, I personally hate that sentiment. This game wrestles with similar ideas but in completely different ways, with wildly different game mechanics. It's an extremely thought provoking adventure that flips itself upside down on you without any warning.

You'll be too deep into the game before you realize there's an air of existential dread hanging around, completely masked by the goofy art style, and boppin' soundtrack.

The rhythm challenges are inviting, yet blisteringly difficult. You'll gladly give yourself carpal tunnel if it means doing "the right thing" even if "doing the right thing" feels dastardly AWFUL.

It's weird, it's funny, and you'll feel lost in all the chaos. We don't know where we're going and the inevitability of what will occur will happen regardless, might as well buckle up and have fun while you wait. You'll be partying until the credits roll. When they end, you'll just be left alone with your thoughts.