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reubelius earned the Liked badge

8 days ago

reubelius finished Moon
with the original game coming out in 1997, i firmly believe this game came out ahead of its time. it is quirky, it is niche as heck, but my god is it an eye-opener and inspiration in so many different ways. where modern society would rather speed through everything all the time, moon discards the concept of brevity and instead encourages you to take your time to figure out what to do and where to go. you learn to care about the characters and the world as you collect their love, by helping them out or indulging them in their passions or celebrating their victories with them or just being there for them when they have a lot on their mind. this game not only helps you build the habit of seeking out love, but it also encourages you to keep it going in real life too once the game ends, which is really special to me. despite some parts being... downright bad or difficult (XINGISKAN and the fishing tournament i'm looking at you), this game will still hold a special place in my heart despite some choices clearly being a product of its time.

if you want a special experience, take the time to sit down and play moon or watch a playthrough. it's worth it, if you ask me.

8 days ago

reubelius finished Another Crab's Treasure
there's so much love poured into this game and you can feel it as a player. this game made me feel all kinds of emotions from "oh this is cute" to "damn that's depressing" to "holy shit this is terrifying" to "oh my god this is the funniest shit ever". can't wait to see speedruns of this game.

also as someone who's never really been into soulslikes this game is an excellent entry point 😎

9 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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