2 reviews liked by reubengann

Overall a nice experience, but this game has some pros and cons.

I liked the general gameplay. I've played too many adventure games in the past few years where the puzzles feel unnecessarily complicated just for the sake of it. These puzzles were easy to understand without taking away any mystery. It felt more like solving the mystery WITH the character. I also liked the general aesthetic of the game.

The story went back and forth for me, at times having a really interesting mystery involving the town, but also feeling like it was trying to tell a coming of age story for a younger audience. I'm sure that was due to the fact that the author/narrator was trying to bridge those two elements, but it did sort of take from the larger mystery at times.

The biggest con from this as other reviewers mentioned is that the story is incomplete. Without spoiling, you are led to make a few critical choices at the end of the game that actually do not come to fruition, because the screen goes to black and it ends. As of me completing this game (Aug. 2023) there has been one year old mention of a sequel to the game, so it's hard to say if the story will ever be finished or not. But it was kind of a bummer that it just, stopped.

I would probably play the sequel if it came out, tbh.

I was absolutely hooked by the story, and then it ended on a cliffhanger just as things were reaching a satisfying pitch. That would be frustrating for any game, but it’s particularly concerning for a pretty short indie with a slightly rocky production history. I’m glad they’re working on the sequel and I hope it goes smoother than this game apparently did. I’m sure my feelings about this game will retroactively improve if the sequel ends up being a satisfying conclusion, but it’s hard to be too enthused about half a story with an uncertain continuation.