Game Review - originally written by (wraith)
(editor's note: this was written before a fan translation existed)

I’m not sure exactly what type of game this is due to all the text, but it looks really neat. There’s some nice cutscenes for some of the dialog with some totally sweet looking backgrounds (as far as Gameboy graphics go), and they have this neat effect for text display where a huge-ass portrait of the character speaking scrolls in from offscreen and it’s like BEWM and then the person talks. When you’re done with the cutscene thing, you’re in this run-of-the-mill overhead view type thing where you examine lots of stuff in these three rooms, but never turn up anything that lets you go to the next area. Well, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what you’re supposed to do when you understand the dialog, but I’m sure you know how it goes when you can’t. But I digress. This game has lots of promise. Check it out!

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
